Oh Look, She's Dead Too

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"Spence, wake up, we're here," JJ shook him softly. The brunette yawned, standing up and following everyone out of the jet.

"Rossi, JJ and I will head down to the precinct, the rest of you head down to the crime scene, I believe everything has been left intact for us to examine," Hotch instructed. Spencer cringed, finding comfort that at least they weren't going to be alone together.

Reid followed Morgan and Emily down to the SUV, slipping quietly into the back, letting Emily sit in front.

"What do you think they're coated in?" Emily asked.

"My guess, resin," The doctor answered concisely, not feeling the need to explain further nor really talk much.

"What? That's it? No more information? Nothing to back it up?" Emily frowned, turning back to look at me. "Are you feeling okay?" she questioned sincerely.

"Y-yeah, just a bit tired and jet-lagged," he answered, catching Morgan's eyes in the rearview mirror before looking down quickly.

"Okay," she seemed uncertain but to Reid's luck she let it go. They arrived at the crime scene rather quickly and Reid left the SUV before the other two could even open the door, walking briskly towards the taped off area. They were introduced and briefed on everything that was going on at the scene before doing some inspecting of our own.

Reid walked off, inspecting the farthest victim, analyzing the position and the facial expressions of the victim.

"How do you think the guy got them to look so happy like?" one of the officers asked as he neared him.

"Probably threatened and coerced, definitely wasn't by her own free will. Their eyes were probably glued open so that they wouldn't instinctively shut when the resin was poured over them," he answered, getting closer to the victim's face.

"But wouldn't they be afraid when they're pouring it over them? Their expressions would drop," the officer pointed out.

"Like the doctor said, they were most likely coerced into it. Threatened them, probably at gunpoint or something similar," Morgan cut in, answering his question. Spencer looked up and licked his lips, Morgan's eyes flicked to the younger's lips. Spencer's eyes widened slightly before looking back at the victim.

"Officer!" someone called out, and the former left.

"Reid, I really think we should—" Morgan began but Spencer mentally panicked, cutting Derek off quickly.

"I think we shouldn't. Oh look, she's dead too," the doctor pointed out the obvious, walking over to the next victim, wanting any way of escape. Morgan sighed exasperatedly but Spencer ignored him anyway.

"How do you think her limbs stayed intact long enough for the resin to set?" Emily asked, poking carefully with her gloved hand at the positioned elbow. "I mean, it looks exactly like a Barbie doll."

"Yeah, it's at a perfect 90-degree angle," Reid calculated, inspecting it carefully. "He must've screwed in bolts to keep them that way before pouring the resin on them."

"The unsub must've kept them for a while, and that had to be one of the first things they did in order to give them time to heal so there wouldn't be any bruising or swelling, to keep them perfect," Emily conspired.

"In order to have done something like that correctly, the unsub has to have some sort of medical knowledge. Someone who knows their way around the human skeleton and bone structure sufficiently in order to know where to screw it in," Morgan nodded, pushing his sunglasses further down his nose, tilting his head lower to inspect the arm further on his own.

"An orthopedic," Reid offered.

"Well at least that's some sort of lead," Emily shrugged. "Let's head back and let the rest know," she suggested.

"We think that the unsub could be someone in an orthopedic field," Emily stated as we walked in.

"That was quick, you got that much from a crime scene? How?" the leading officer of the case asked, a clearly shocked expression on his face.

"We just looked for specific clues that lead us to suggest that it's possible," Derek said.

"What did you find?" Hotch asked.

"We noticed that the limbs were perfectly posed and set. It would take a bit of time for the resin to set once being poured and the victims couldn't have possibly stayed completely still long enough for it to set and still stay perfect. For example, the arm of one of the victims was at a perfect 90-degree angle which could only mean that something was screwed in to keep her arm that way," Reid informed. Morgan loved it when the doctor's intelligence was put on display like that.

"The gloss looks perfect, pristine if you will. There's no way it could've laid on something for it to set otherwise the surface underneath the arm would've been flat so that rules out having been posed naturally on their own," Morgan continued.

"Also, in order for it to be so precise, someone with sufficient knowledge had to have done it otherwise, it wouldn't have looked so well which brings us to the conclusion that it must've been an orthopedic," Emily finished.

"Damn," Officer Kent murmured. Rossi smirked at his response.

"Call in Garcia, have her find all licensed orthopedics," Hotch nodded at me. Picking up his phone, Morgan tapped her name on the contact list, putting her on speaker.

"Order me, Daddy," she said. Derek's eyebrows shot up, surprised at the sudden pet name. Kent choked and the rest chuckled, used to the antics.

"You're on speaker doll," Morgan chuckled, "Anyway, pull up all licensed orthopedics in the area."

"Need to be more specific than that, there are way too many, at least 45," she replied. The team looked over at Hotch.

"Send the list Garcia, we'll narrow it down once Reid has a geographical profile and we get more information. We're going off of this for now," Hotch ordered.

"You got it, sir," she said before the line went out.

"Get started," Hotch looked at the team. They all nodded and Officer Kent showed them where they would be working, everyone doing their own thing to figure out what they could with what little they had whilst they waited for more information. Morgan stared at Reid unwillingly as he moved back and forth from the desk to the board where he studied the maps and files religiously.

"Morgan, Reid, head down to the morgue as soon as the ME report comes in," Hotch nodded at the agents. Finally, Morgan could talk to Spencer and there wouldn't be any excuse to avoid him.

"I think Rossi should go, I don't know how long it'll take me to figure this out with only one crime scene," Reid pointed out. Morgan internally begged that Hotch said no. Morgan needed to talk to Reid, he hated the way they were & every ticking second made it worse.

"Alright, you stay here then but I want that as soon as possible," Hotch agreed, pointing at the map and Reid nodded. Damn it. Morgan inwardly scowled at Hotch, looking back at the file to see if he could find something else.

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