No Right

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read through the case, it's important for moreid haha. it's a bit long but it does matter. there's gonna be two parts, one in Spencer's point of view and the other in Derek's.

Spencer Reid

"What's going on detective?" Hotch asked as we stepped foot in the Florida police station. Rossi, Emily, and Morgan were at the newest crime scene.

"We don't know, after his last kill, he's been silent," the detective shook his head.

"He didn't leave another note?" JJ asked, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Nope, nothing. The body was the same, limbs removed and set in an 'x' pattern next to her but no note," he sighed, hands on his hips.

"That's strange. He's a seasoned killer, why would he deviate from his mo now?" I frowned in thought.

"What exactly did he say in his last note, Reid?" Hotch looked over at me. "Verbatim."

"Look here you have a new body, why can't you stop me? Why are you so slow? Can't you catch up? Am I that hard to track? Should've listened to me when I first started and you could have avoided the inevitable," I repeated, seeing the words in my head.

"What the-" the detective stared at me in wonder.

"Eidetic memory," JJ announced.

"He said to avoid the inevitable," Hotch murmured. I looked down in thought.

"That wouldn't make sense. If it's inevitable then you can't avoid it no matter what. It's either-or," I licked my lips, swallowing.

"He's planning something big. He has to be. Inevitable? Why would he use that word specifically?" Hotch pointed out.

"He would only if there was a plan," JJ nodded. "But what?"

"Reid, how are you on the geographical profile?" Hotch gave me a stoic look.

"I've boxed his comfort zone, here, here, and here," I drew the lines across the large map placed on the board. "I'm thinking he's here," I pointed at a specific spot.

"Daytona beach?" JJ frowned.

"Yes, it-" I trailed off as my brain instantly captured the moment. "The 'x' pattern, he's recreating it with the location of his victims," I mumbled to myself as I continued drawing the lines, finally connecting the dots.


"This is it, look," I pointed at the map, "he's been making the same pattern with limbs, the 'x', it also matches with the locations in where the victims were abducted from," I informed them. Both JJ's and Hotch's eyes widened.

"What's there?" Hotch looked at the detective.

"That's the park. It's important in Daytona, everyone goes there when they're not at the beach," he stated.

"Morgan, come back. We've figured out where he's abducting next," Hotch said into the phone.

"We need to be there. So far his kills have been three days apart, he should strike again, he's clearly devolving and he's going to do it today," I warned them.

"I'll get that setup," the detective walked away quickly, calling his deputies.

"Any sight of him?" Hotch's voice was heard on Morgan's phone. We stood together waiting behind a few trees, the unsub liked to abduct as publicly as possible, it gave him the rush he craved.

"Not yet," he replied, scanning the area. I squinted as the sun shined brightly, looking around inch by inch as fast as I could, not wanting to miss him.

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