Half-Inch Of Flesh You're Missing

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Spencer looked at his reflection in the mirror. His cheeks were red and there seemed to be a permanent smile on his lips. He couldn't believe that this really all because of Morgan. Reid pressed his lips together, attempting to rid the smile but his attempts were fruitless as it only continued to show. He scoffed with the smile still present, opening the faucet, running the water room, and removing his clothing. Spencer stepped into the shower once it was warm enough and began his shower.

"I can't believe we still haven't found this guy. It's been a week already," Rossi shook his head as they all sat in the conference room in the Anchorage Police Department.

"We'll get him. We just have to think harder," Morgan leaned forward, lacing his hands together loosely. Reid looked at him and they made short eye contact, the muscular agent throwing a sly smile before looking back up at the board. Spencer pressed his lips together, trying his best to stop a smile from appearing as it would've been inappropriate considering the situation at hand.

They sat in silence, everyone staring at the board in front of them until it was interrupted by Morgan's phone ringing.

"Hey baby girl, what can you do for me?" Morgan answered, putting her on speaker.

"Depends on how you want me, my chocolate master," everyone's eyebrows shot up. Reid was used to their way of talking, it didn't bother him, it never did but hearing it now, it just sounded different in a way. He chose to ignore the possessiveness bubbling in the pit of his stomach. 

"You're on speaker, Garcia," he chuckled.

"Right, right. I knew that. Anyway my crime fighters, I have got an address, sent to your phones. I believe I found the unsub."

"I love you, you goddess," Morgan grinned before hanging up.

"Let's go," Hotch stood up and everyone followed, hurrying to the SUVs with deputies in queue. They all arrived quickly, heading towards the house, firearms at the ready.

"MARCUS LYLE! FBI, OPEN UP!" Hotch yelled as he stood on the right of the door, Morgan on his left. There was no response and Hotch nodded over at Morgan who kicked the door open. Perhaps Spencer enjoyed watching Morgan do that a little too much.

"FREEZE!" Morgan shouted as they all followed inside, the unsub holding a gun to the victim's head.

"No! Leave or I'll shoot her!" he warned, cocking the gun.

"You don't want to do that, Marcus. You know she's an innocent woman. She isn't your mother," Spencer attempted to coax him. "Just put the gun down."

"You put yours down!" he challenged, his eyes darting everywhere.

"Okay, okay, I'll put it away," Spencer said, slowly going to tuck his gun back in its holster, approaching Marcus carefully. "Now you put yours down," Reid said, showing the unsub his unarmed hands. Marcus' hand lowered slowly  but in a split second, his gun went off followed by another gun going off. Spencer blinked and that's when he felt the pain as he fell back.

"Reid!" Morgan shouted after he had shot Marcus. Spencer groaned as he raised his right hand up to touch his left shoulder. Spencer pulled his fingers away and looked at the red substance staining them.

"I'm okay," Reid assured Morgan though his shoulder felt as if it was on fire. Spencer was unfortunately used to being shot and while it hurt like hell, he was able to control himself from whining. Morgan kneeled next to him, checking his shoulder carefully.

"I need a medic!" Hotch yelled into his earpiece. Morgan helped Spencer stand and walked him outside to the ambulance.

"He got shot in the shoulder, take him to the hospital," Morgan told the EMTs.

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