Hey Superman

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Spencer yawned and pinched the bridge of his nose. The BAU had six cases back to back ever since they had come back from the child case and Spencer could barely hold his pen without his hand shaking from the coffee overdose he had taken to stay awake.

Those six cases were two months and a half of non-stop of profiling. His brain was on exhaust as every other part of him was. 

"You okay there, pretty boy?" Morgan chuckled as he got into the empty elevator with the younger.

"Trying to hold my pen right," Spencer told him, staring at the pen in his hand diligently.

"Okay but it's been a little too long," he said. Spencer frowned and looked up in confusion.

"What're you--" his pen dropped to the floor as Morgan's lips pressed to Spencer's rather aggressively. Spencer's eyes widened, registering what was going on. He was quick to close his eyes, his hands going up to Morgan's broad shoulders. It had been a few weeks since they had been alone together because of the cases. They had shared a few chaste kisses here and there but never more. They were always busy or too tired. They needed this. 

"I definitely missed that," Morgan murmured against Spencer's lips when they pulled away to breathe.

"I still am," Spencer informed him, feeling bold and pulling him back for another kiss. Morgan smirked before his tongue met Spencer's in a small battle for dominance. It lasted only a few seconds because the elevator had dinged and they pulled away abruptly, putting enough space between each other. Spencer bent down to pick up his pen just in time as the doors opened. Morgan cleared his throat and they stepped out.

"We're continuing that later," Morgan more or less stated, not giving Spencer time to answer before they separated and Derek headed into his office. Spencer licked his lips and tried to hide his smile as he sat down.

Garcia: It's your own fault my private folder keeps growing.

Spencer frowned, staring at his phone.

Reid: What?

Reid face-palmed immediately after he sent the text. Of course, the elevators would have surveillance and of course, Garcia would be able to access them.

Me: Please tell me you can delete that footage. Also, why am I the one you're always telling? Shouldn't it be Morgan?

Garcia: I can, don't worry. And as for that, well Morgan doesn't get as flustered as you do. I can already imagine your face.

Spencer rolled his eyes and set his phone down, shaking his head. He sifted through his files, going through the necessary, and, of course, filing. Thankfully, they hadn't been called in today.


"Wanna hang out tomorrow? I'd say today but we both need the sleep," Morgan said as they stepped out of the elevator and towards his truck. Their day ended only fifteen minutes ago and neither of them could wait to crash into bed. 

"Yeah," Spencer smiled, holding the strap of his messenger bag across his chest. Derek grinned and he peeled out of the parking garage, taking Spencer home as it had become a routine for the two.

"See you tomorrow, Reid," Morgan stopped in front of Spencer's building.

"What time tomorrow?"

"Does 11 work? We could go for lunch and go from there," Morgan offered. Spencer nodded.

"Okay, I'll see you then," the doctor leaned in sheepishly for a kiss and Morgan chuckled before planting the kiss on his lips. Spencer stepped out and jogged up the short steps into his building. Hopefully, serial killers would be kind enough to keep Spencer's weekend free.

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