Chapter 1

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Hello my readers, I took a long break for my mental health and am sorta back. I wanted to post this for you guys since you have been asking for it.

Can groaned as he picked himself up from the floor after getting the shit beat out of him by his bullies. The leader of his bullies was the mayor's middle son Jacob, he wasn't near as mean as his oldest brother but he was still very mean and loved to torture Can. Can had no clue why he had done to him, all he knew was that the bullying started after Type left. At first Jacob would just shoulder bump him making him drop his stuff, then it turned into shoving him into a locker before it turned into being locked into a locker and then once a week beatings.

The school wouldn't do a damn thing about it since Jacob was the mayor's son. He could probably get away with murder and no one would do a damn thing. He had reported Jacob and his groupies but all he was told was that they would look into it, that only ended up with him getting a beating that landed him in the hospital. His parents were furious and told him that they were moving, they had been looking for a house in Bangkok for several weeks now and had pulled Can from school.

He was only back in school after the mayor threat to call social services on them. He only did that so Can could continue to be tortured by his son. His parents told him that he only had a few more days till he graduated and then they would leave. They also gave him pepper spray but his dumbass left it in his locker when he got beat up this time.

One more day than he would leave this stupid place and live his own life he thought as he limped to the nurses office. The nurse ended up calling his mother after they found out his wrist was sprained and he might have a concussion. As he waited for his mother at the front office he thought about Team and Type. They had texted and emailed him telling him about Type's new baby a little girl named Treasure and how big Team's son Orion is getting.

He was happy for them and told them that their babies were beautiful. He told them that he and his family were moving, he told them his dad got a new job opportunity and took it to be closer to Can who would be going to university where they were going. He hadn't told them about the bullying, there was nothing they could do since they couldn't leave the mansion plus he didn't want to ruin their happy moments with his depressing stuff.

Can's attention was drawn to two love birds holding hands and kissing looking so in love. He knew from the age of ten that he was definitely gay when he had huge crush on Team, that crush went away with time and when Type told him that it was never going to happen.

Can wasn't sure he wanted or needed someone to love or be loved by, he did want someone he could hide from the world in their arms but he was scared that they would turn and show their dark side and beat him to the ground. He just wanted to get in his car and drive away from the hurt and the pain. He used to be this happy go lucky guy but that was stripped away from him and he was left this deeply hurt and depressed guy.

"Can?" A voice said. He looked away from the couple and up at his concerned parents.

"Hey" He said.

"Let's get you to the doctor" she said before helping him up.

At The Mansion

Tin watched as he watched almost two year old Orion running around the grass in the backyard while Win chased him. He smiled at how cute they were but that smile dropped when his thoughts turned to wanting one of his own. He wanted a mate of his own and a family of his own, he hoped that this next chosen one would be his. He knew he would take such good care of him and take care of all his need both in and out of the bedroom.

Speaking of the bedroom, he should go to the village in another city and find a guy to seduce and feed from. He should but he wasn't going to since the chosen one should be here tomorrow and he always waited to see if his mate would be the one to walk through the gates. If it was his mate he didn't want to feed on anyone but him. He had this weird feeling that his mate really needed him, like he just changed and not for the good, that feeling made his fist clench and his blood boil. He would kill anyone that harmed his mate.

Sorry for the short chapter next one will be a bit long

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