Chapter 17- Who Are Your Parents?...

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*Avie's POV *

I'm at school. A new school. I have no clue where anything is. Okay, I do. But still!! A new school! Oh god. Shit. Okay.

"Hey Av. Whatcha doin'?" Luke says walking up to me.

"Trying to figure this out. " I say looking at the school map. I sigh dramatically load and Luke laughs.

"Lemme help Av. " He said graving my map and schedule. "We have the same schedule. Follow me around, k?" I nod because he's too sweet. He didn't even say it cockily.

"Okay. C'mon. We're gonna be late. " He says. I follow him like a puppy. I do not regret anything.


We are at lunch and me and Luke met some cool guys. Their names are Michel and Calum. Michel has green hair but I think it's cool.

We are all sitting at a lunch table eating cold, stale, greasy pizza.

"Ugh! Only school can make bad pizza!!" Michel complained. Everyone else laughed.

"Michel, just eat the damn pizza. " Calum ordered. Luke went into a fit of laughter and everyone else looked at him weirdly.

"You guys are hysterical!!" Luke laughed harder causing me to join as he gasps for air.

"I'm not hungry..." Michel said.

"Your always hungry Mike. What's up?" Calum asked.

"This food is gonna make me hurl. " He scrunched his nose in disgust.

"I agree. " I say. Luke wraps his arm around me and lays his head on my shoulder.

"I'm tired. " He mumbled.

"What time did you go to bed?" I ask because he always goes to bed at late hours. Like, 2 in the morning.

"One A.M. " He groaned digging his head in my shoulder further. Calum and Michel laughed.

"Of course you did. " I said under my breath.


"C'mon Av. Mums here to pick us up. " Luke says grabbing my waist.

"Okay, okay. " I say.

"How was your first day of school?" Mummy Liz asked.

"Good. " We say in unison.

"Any friends?" She pried more.

"Two guys named Calum and Michel. " Luke says, gesturing Liz to drive.

"Oh really. Are they new? Like to England?" Mummy Liz pried even more.

"I d'know. " Luke mumbled. He was starting to drift off.

When we get home (well, Luke's house but I spend so much time here because of my parents meetings) I had to wake Luke up.

"Wake up Lukey. We're here. " I say, shaking him awake.

"Okay, alright. I'm up. " He says groggily. He grabs my hand, like always, and leads me into the house, and up to his room.

"I'm going to sleep. " He says plopping on his stomach on his bed.

"Umm. How 'bout you do your homework first?" I say, more as a question.

"Ugh!... Can't I do that later?" He complains.

"No. C'mon Luke. Get up. I'll help you... " I try to persuade him.

"Uugghh!! Fiiiiinnnne!..." He groans sitting up. "Okay. What first?" He asks.

"Maths?" I suggest.

"I suck at maths. " He pouts.

"No you don't. Come on Luke. I'll help you. You'll help me. We'll work together. " I push.

"K. Fine. " He says and I mentally do a happy dance. Usually he doesn't do his homework.


"Children! Dinner!" Mummy Liz called from the kitchen.

"Ugh! I wanted to sleep. " Luke complains again.

"Sorry Lukey. Eat first. Then sleep. We finished our homework."

"Whatever. " And with that he grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen.

"So. Anything you want to tell me?..." Liz says pointing to our entwined fingers. Oh shit...
"Mum. We aren't. Y'know. Together. We are just friends. Trust me mother. " Luke says while I mentally face palm.

"Okay. Eat then go to bed. You both look tired. I'm going to go to my room. Wash your dishes please. " She says then walks off.

Luke looks at me. "Sorry. About... That. She just jumps to conclusions. She shouldn't but- "
I cut him off.

"It's fine. My parents would assume the same thing. " I say the regret it. *face palm*

"Who are your parents?... I've never seen them..." Luke furrows his eyebrows.

"I'll tell you later in your room. " I say.

"Okay. " He says.

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