Chapter 26- The dressing room

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*Avie's POV *

"hey babe. You okay?" Dad asked. Daddy came and put me on his lap. I snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

(A/n she looks so perfect came on on pandora. Wow. I used that song in my book. I call that fate.)

Dad came and sat next to me on the couch. Luke was on the other side of daddy. (It was dad, daddy with me in his lap and then Luke.)

"Oh my god. Your Harry and Louis form one direction!" Paris said as she walked into the office.

"Yeah." Louis mumbled.

"What happened Avie?" Paris asked. She's my science partner and she is really kind.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I said. She was late so she didn't see my freak out. Someone will probably tell her though.

"Hey, if you need anything you have my number. Love you Av." She said. We talk a lot so it's not wired for us to say love you.

She walked out. But the lady called Riley in. Riley is lesbian, and cute. But I'm not ready to come out. And she wouldn't like me. We're opposites.

"You called me?" Riley said as she wakes into the office.

Okay. Excuse me but, gosh. She's so pretty.

*Riley's POV *

Aww!! Avie is cuddled up into her father! That's so cute! I wish I was Harry. Then she'd be cuddled up into me.

Shït. I need to stop staring. Okay.

"Yes. I need you to look after Avie tomorrow." The office lady said. What's her name again? Damn. I'm always in here. You'd think I'd know this.

"Umm. Why? Shouldn't Luke?" I asked. I want to,but she'd be more comfortable around Luke.

"Luke is male. He can't go into the dressing room with her. Or the bathroom. And you have the same schedule. And, as the whole school is afraid of you, they'd leave her newfound fame alone."

"Newfound fame?" I asked.

"Yes. Now that everyone knows Harry is her father, they'll be crowding her asking her for tickets and autograph of the boys." She said it made sense.

"Okay. I'm fine with it. But only if Avie is comfortable with it." I said.

"Avie?" The office lady asked.

"I'm okay with it. Thank you." Avie mumbled into Harrys chest.

AWWWWWWW! That was adorable! I should've recorded that!

"Okay. Avie, Luke. You guys can go home. Thank you Riley, you may go back class." She said.

I nodded and waved to the crew on the couch, then left wordlessly.

The dressing room. Damn. How am I going to do this? I won't be able to control my hormones!! I'm fücking 14 after all. Ugh.

The dressing room should be fun.

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