Chapter 19- Honey, he gay

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*Lukes POV *

We are half way through middle school when a new guy comes into my art class. He is 2 years older than me. He's in 8th grade whilst I am in 6th. And may I say. He is hot.

Me being gay let my mind wander. For the record that's not good. I don't even know his name.

How old am I again? Can I act like 2 years older so we can date. Geez. His looks should be illegal.

"Class. This is Ashton. Do you want to introduce yourself?" Mr. Brewer asked.

Ashton shrugged sheepishly.

"Stop staring. Don't drool. And my last piece of advice, close your mouth. " Avie whispered into my ear. She sits in front of me.

"My name is Ashton Irwin. I'm 15. I'm in 8th grade. I'm going to fail this class because I'm a horrible artist. I like to play the drums. Umm. That's it. " He said looking at his feet. Aww. He's adorable.

"Thank you Mr. Irwin. Go sit next to Luke. Luke raise your hand please. " Mr. Brewer said. I mentally do a happy dance.

Avie turns around and winks at me. "Control your hormones. " She whispered.

I roll my eyes and raise my hand and Ashton walks over to me.

"Hi. I'm Ashton. Your Luke right?" He says. I nod and admire his cuteness.

"Umm. What are we doing in here. " He asks.

"Nothing. We listen to music on our own devices and draw whatever we want in our notebook. We have to draw a picture a day and it has to be school appropriate. You have to put the date at the top. Uh. That's it pretty much. Except on Fridays. We have party's as long as we bring our own food and movies. " I explain. (A/n idk if this is legal but in this story it is. Okay? Okay. I want this art class. )

"That sounds awesome. Like. Every Friday? " He asks and I nod.

"That's when he grade the drawings. " I say. He smiles and, fück. Those dimples will be the death of me.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings. " Avie says poking my own dimple.

"Yes Av?..." I say.

"What are you drawing today? I've got nothing. " She says.

I laugh and say "I don't know. Scribbles and then at last minute I'll turn it into something." Then she laughs. Well, giggles. She never grew out of that. I giggle too. Only sometimes. And it's a manly giggle. For men.

"So Ashton. What are you drawing? Luke has no inspiring words. " Avie sighs. "Face palm. " Avie mutters. Yeah. She says it. Not does is. Says. I don't even know why. I'm gunna make it a hashtag one day.

"Umm. I'm going to draw a 3D door. But. It's going to be horrible. I suck at drawing. " Ash said and my mind went dirty. I gave Avie a knowing look and she laughed.

"Avie. Is something wrong?" Mr. Brewer asked. He had a 'secret' major crush on Avie. Even though everyone knows.

"No sir. Sorry. " She said. He basically eye fücked her. I walk over to Avie and wrap my arms around her waist and bring her to my table. I sit on my chair and make her sit on my lap.

"Um. What are you doing?" Avie asks.

"He is staring. I won't let him. If that means getting an F for the day or sent to the office. He does this everyday. It's fücking annoying. He needs to stop." I said, tightening my grip around her waist.

"Are you guys together or something?" Ashton asks.

"No. She's my best friend. She's like my little sister. And our perve of a teacher is basically eye raping her. " I sigh and hide my face in her shoulder.

She smells good. Like vanilla and strawberries. That doesn't sound good but it really is.

"Oh. I see. He's a perve." Ash mumbled.

"Yeah. " I say.

"Your so protective of Avie. " Aston said, smiling wide once again.

"I've made it my job to protect her." I say and Avie kisses my cheek.

A girl at the front of the class sees and shouts "I SHIP IT!"

Avie laughs and looks at me and I shake my head. And with that Avie say, still laughing

"Honey, he gay."

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