The envelope

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When I opened the envelope I gasped. There was a card and a bother small envelope. I opened the card and it said.
Dear Liv
  If your reading this it means that you miss me well I miss you to. I don't know what today is but I can bet your still as beautiful as ever. I wish to see you again. I don't know if right now we're apart but know that I'll always love you and you will always be my girl.

I set the latter down and hugged him as I felt tears rolling down my face.

When I pulled away I opened the smaller envelope. It had small pictures of me and Haden where we were younger.
"Oh wow we've changed" Haden said as I spread all the pics on the bed looking at all 15 of them.
"That's not even all of them." I said picking one up that was my favorite out of all of them.

"I still can't believe how much I'm missed this I mean I lost everything when I had to change my phone but it felled like we're still young like I've never left." I said hugging Haden again.

After we looked at all the pictures we put them away and we were all packed and ready to leave.

When I got gabby up for her nap I brought her to the car and put her in her car seat.

"Zac come on we're running late" Haden screamed as she was running down the stairs with his bag.

"Ok jeez I'm coming" he said running to the car.

When Haden got in he asked.

"Everyone ready."

"Yep" I heard from the backseat coming from Zac.

I nodded my head and Haden pulled out the drive way.

"Are we there yet" I asked getting impatient.

"No Liv". Haden said looking at me and then holding my hand.

"How long?"  I asked knowing we've been in the car for only a hour.

"A few minutes" Zac said as he woke up from his nap.

"Zac are the deoblos going to be there?"

"Yep they they know about gabby Haden" Zac asked.


After 14 minutes we finally arrived at the home.

When I got uIt zac and Haden got all the luggage and I grabbed gabby. I was so excited to introduce her to everyone.

When we entered the home I heard Zac and Hadens mom running up to us happy to see as all. I was behind them and stepped forward showing them gabby. They both gasped as took her out my hands instantly.
"And who is this bundle of joy." Hadens mom asked.
"Mom this is gabby livs younger sister." Haden said.

"Oh my she's beautiful" Zacs mother said.

"Yes she is" Hadens mom said as they handed her back to me.

"So are you watching her for a while or..." they asked as I looked at Haden then looked back at them.

"Well as you both know my family has passed on so a week ago I got a phone call saying that a year ago my parents adopted gabby and that I'm her mother not but I'm also adopted I found out not to Long ago. And we'll she belonged to my biological sister so she's my niece but at the same time I'm her mother and her sister if you get what I'm saying." They just looked at me but they understand.

"So are you calling her you daughter,niece, or sister". Hadens mom asked.

"Well I haven't thought about it but for now I have a daughter." I said as we walked into the kitchen to see both Zac and Hadens fathers talking.

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