My stalker pt1

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As I walked up the stairs to go to bed I felt an uneasy feeling in my gut but I pushed it away and made my way to the room.

When I entered the room I saw that gabby was asleep but Liv wasn't in their and the window was wide open. I looked around to see if Liv was in the bath room but she wasn't.

I quickly ran downstairs and started to yell her name and look for her.

Where is she I thought as Zac and Addison came up to me.

We all them began searching the house and we even started calling her phone but their was no answer.

After about 20 minutes of everyone searching every inch on the house I started to panic.

Someone kidnapped Liv that's why the window was open.

"I want men all over this city looking for her I want her found and no one is stopping until she is found." I said to Zac as he took out his phone and made a few phone calls.

"don't worry Liv I'm going to find you baby" I whispered to myself.


"S-stop let me go" I yelled as the man picked me up and tied me up and was taking me somewhere.

"Be great full I'm letting you live." He said as I was thrown to a very soft surface.

Then I felt each one of my hands be hand cuffed to what I fell is a bed post.

Oh god.
"No, no let me go" I Cried as the man took the sack off my head and walked out.

This can't be happening not now.

Why is it always me.

I was starting to panic was I going to get raped.

What about gabby. I hope she's ok I hope Haden found out that I was gone I hope that man didn't take gabby. He can take me but not gabby.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that that man was standing at the foot of the bed.

When I saw him I stiffened up not wanting to know what he wanted to do to me.

He just stood their with a smirk on his face.

"Oh now I'm not going to hurt you" he said as I loosened up a tad bit.

"Yet" he said as I tugged on the hand cuffs but they wouldn't budge.

"You can't escape and your not going anywhere until your lovely boyfriend shows up and when he does you'll be long gone by then unless you agree on everything I say." He said looking at me for an answer.

Like what the hell I going to disagree or agree with.

I lifted my eyebrow showing him to tell me what the hell I was getting myself Into.

"You will be my wife and I will not have to kill you sister or your boyfriends family."

My heart dropped.
Like literally dropped.

"So what's your choice let them live or your freedom?" He said as I exhaled...


"What do you mean she's off the grid?!" I yelled at on of my men that had given me news of Liv not in the city or anywhere near.

"She's not in the city limits nor the surrounding ones sir" he said as I slouched in my chair.

"It's been about 4 hours since she's last been seen no one can travel that far in four hours." I said as Zac and Addison walked in with Violet right behind them.

"Any news" I said hoping they would but the usual they didn't.

"Nothing but we're trying" Zac said my guard walked out.

I sighed as I saw how everyone was looking sad and violet was about to cry.

"Where the hell could she be I mean she's been gone for only a few hours no one can get that far in just a few hours." I said as I stood up and walked around my desk.

"I know but what if they took her on a plane she could be anywhere and even worse she could be on her way to another country that we have no idea on where to look"

Addison said as I started to feel weird. I've never felt an empty spot in my body. I fell like my heart is missing.

After a minute Addison,Zac and violet walked out and I had a sudden flam of rage spark in me and I grabbed the vase on my desk and chunked it at the wall and bursted out in tears.

"Where are you liv you can't leave me please be ok baby" I told myself as I put my face in my hands and cried.


As Haden cried in his office Zac,violet and Addison were in control center tracking all of the men and vehicles that were on search and they were marking all the places that have been searched.

Addison was starting to lose hope as the search map was getting smaller and smaller.

He feared losing Liv. He was worried that he would lose his best friend of many years.

Addison and Liv have been knowing each other ever since birth even their parents knew each other I'm their childhood years. They were so close they had a special connection that could never be taken away from them.

While Zac was getting angry that she wasn't being found. Liv is a sister to Zac he couldn't bear to lose her. He didn't even want to think of the fact that she was missing.

And violet was getting sad. Liv and violet were best friends ever since high school. Liv is violets only friend that she can trust and violet can't live with the thought of Liv being gone.

While all of the search teams were searching for Liv the map and areas to search were getting smaller they were not going to give up. They had to find Liv before it was to late. Hoping it wasn't already to late.

But at this point you can only hope for the best and this wasn't a good situation...

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