My stalker pt2

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"good choice I'm glade you're not a selfish brat" the man said as I literally just signed my life away.

But if it meant that Haden and gabby and everyone else wasn't harmed I would gladly do it for them. Because that's what family does. They take bullets for each other weather life permitting or not.

"C-can I just tell Haden what I did before we make it official" I said as he looked puzzled at me.

"2 minutes and that's it!"he said handing me a phone.

"Oh and don't do anything that you would regret" he said walking out.


Me-Haden look I don't have long but I have to tell you something.

Haden-where are you I'm on my way what's the address.

Me-don't bother just forget about me for your own safety please.

Haden-Liv what's wrong.

Me-I vowed to Marry my kidnapper so on one would get hurt.

Haden- Liv you did what!


Haden-look baby it's ok I'll get you somehow ok I can never forget about you...never.

Me-please just don't bother to try to save me you'll just get hurt please forget about me.

Haden-Liv I-

Me- just promise me to give gabby the life that I couldn't give her.

Haden-I'm not going to let you go Liv I can't-

Me- (cough cough cough)

By coughing three times is Morse code for someone is listening to me and I need help. Haden and Zac taught me this back in high school. And I just pray he remembers it.

Haden- (cough cough)
Means I understand.

I sighed as he got the message and knowing I would be saved soon hopefully if I didn't get flown anywhere.

Me-I've got to go love you

Haden- don't go-

I hung up as the man walked in and took the phone from me.

"Now that you're cleared up all of this mess you are coming with me" he said as he took the hand cuffs off and pulled me out of the room.

"What are you doing."

"No we're leaving Italy our wedding is in 2 days."
I froze up and my life flashed before my eyes all that hard work on calling Haden and now that someone is hopefully on their way by tracking the number and now I'm being forced to leave Italy and never to be seen again.

I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't realize I was being dragged into a jet that was on a log strip on concrete.

"Please can we stay for a while I need to rest please make this a wedding gift from you please." I said as I was holding on to anything I could not to be brought into that jet.

"And have you boyfriend find us ha I'll pass" he said my hands were ripped off and I was brought into the jet and cuffed to one of the seats.

"Please why are you doing this to me what did I ever do to you" I asked as he completely ignored me.

"At least tell me your name!" I yelled as he turned around and looked at me filled with anger.

"My name is Levi Desmond and yours will soon be Liv Desmond" he said as I have never heard of that name.

Then I felt a sharp pain in my arm as I saw him inject a needle into my arm.

I soon fell sleepy but I tried to fight the urge to fall asleep but I couldn't help it I blacked out.


"Don't go-" I said as she hung up as I was about to get the number tracked to her address.

"Who was that?" Zac asked as he walked in.


"Really is she ok where is she" he asked getting excited.

"No she's not and as soon as I was about to get the number tracked she hung up but she had to she was being watched" I said as I was getting angry at myself for ever letting any of this happen.

"Did she say anything else that we can use as information?" He asked as I was about to lose my sh*t.

"Ya she did" I said in a low voice.


I stayed silent I did t want to tell Zac about how my girl is getting married to a stranger to save all of our l

"Haden!" Zac yelled as I had to tell him.

"She's agreed to marry her kidnapper so save all of our lives!" I yelled as he looked at me surprised.

" can't give up that easy. I remember one time you almost gave you life for Liv you had a gun to your head for her when we were younger."

"And" I said so he could get to the point.

"The Haden I know would still do it"

"I would" I said as he was getting in my nerves.

"Then what are we waiting for let's go get her back and kill this mother fu*ker." He said as I stood up from my desk and walked to him.

"But how we don't know where she is" I said as violet and Addison ran in.

"We found her" Addison said catching his breath.

"Where." Zac asked.

"One of the men saw a jet passing next to a restricted area and they think it's her." Violet said as I lead the way and started to walk to command opt.

"Which way was she going" Zac asked.

"From the look they were heading to Russia" one of the guard that acompany's is said.

"Ok well I want all my air crafts I'm flight now and contact my little friend tucker it's time he owes me a favor."

(Tucker is the head of the Russian mafia and owes Haden a huge favor.)

"Yes sir" my guard said as he ordered to launch all of my air crafts over his radio.

Reunited with my mafia man. (Sequel to  mafia exchange student) Where stories live. Discover now