Chapter Eight

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I thought about what Rachel had said in the coffee shop. Was she right? Was there something there I wasn't seeing?
Thinking back on it I recalled the times I had the urge to hold her hand or to be around her more often. The times I'd feel sparks go up my arm if she bumped my hand.

My cheeks burned at the thought. What if I liked her? Am I just confused because of what Rachel said? I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breathe. I started my way back to the apartment. I tried to calm my nerves. What was I so nervous about? She's just my roommate. Nothing is going to happen.
With my racing thoughts I hadn't realized I was already outside of the apartment building. I steadied my breathing and made my way to my floor. I stopped in front of the door. Stop being so stupid. Nothing is going to happen. You're just going to go home and relax.

I took a deep breathe and opened the door. I was about to go straight to my room when I heard talking and laughing from the living room. I walked out to the living room and stopped in my tracks.
Annabeth sat there with a guy next to her. He sat with his arm around her and he was kissing her temple. From what I could see he had tan skin and sandy blonde hair.

She leaned into his chest and looked up at him with a gleam in her eyes I never saw before.
I backed up not wanted them to see me but I bumped into the counter and made a few things fall causing them to look my way. I could now see the guys face, he had bright blue eyes and a long scar going over the front of his face.
"Oh hey Percy. I didn't think you'd be home just yet." Annabeth glanced back and fourth between me and the guy.

"Uh who are you?" The guy shot me a questioning look with a twinge of anger in his eyes.
"I-I'm Percy, her roommate. Who are you?"
"Uh Percy this is Luke. My boyfriend." My stomach dropped at the words that came out of her mouth. I couldn't stop the jealousy that made a rock in my gut.
The guy named Luke stood and held out his hand to shake. I obliged and stood back a little not wanting to be around them any longer.

"Well, Percy. Would you want to watch a movie with us?" Luke crossed his arms.
"Uh I should really-" Luke shot me a look making me not want to disagree with him. "Sure."


I sat on the other side of the couch with my arms crossed. I couldn't keep my focus on the movie with the couple constantly stealing kisses and laughing.

Halfway through the movie Annabeth needed to use the bathroom leaving me with Luke.
Her turned and glared at me.
"What's your problem?" I spat.
"Stay away from her."
"I saw the jealousy in your eyes when you walked through the door. You obviously like her. Stay away from her. She's mine. If you lay a single finger on her, I'll kill you."
I stared at him dumbfounded. He held my gaze with a bone chilling glare.

"Fine." I stood and walked to my room as fast as I could. I shut the door and sat at the edge of my bed. I buried my face into my hands.
Of all the things that could've happened why did that have to happen?

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