Chapter One

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Simple tip: don't get fired. Like absolutely don't get fired from your job no matter how shitty they are. Don't do it.
Getting fired SUCKS. They barely even gave me a notice so 1: I couldn't find another job fast enough. 2: I got kicked out of my apartment. Just great.

So I just sat there, in a cafe waiting for one of my friends to show up. I looked out the window and saw my beat up Prius with my entire life inside of it. I sighed and looked back down at the coffee in my hands, An Iced Vanilla Latte.
I took a sip and looked at the door as I saw my friend walk in. She had choppy brown hair and colorful eyes. I hadn't seen her in a couple months. She went up to the barista and ordered her coffee which was probably Cold Brew just how she liked it. After getting her coffee she sat down across from me and smiled.

"Hey Perce."
"Hi Pipes." I really didn't wanna talk about how I lost my job to her. How does someone just fit that into a conversation?
"Percy? Are you doing alright?" I glanced at her and gave her a confused look.
"Your car. It's full of boxes, your hair is messier than usual and you got the smallest cup of coffee they offer and I KNOW you always get a large."
I laughed and looked back out the window. "I kinda lost my job- and my apartment."

"Holy shit. Did you find another job?"
I shook my head and took another sip of coffee. "I couldn't find one in time before they kicked me out. I've looked around as much as I can but I can't exactly get far with the little money I still have." I buried my face in my hands. "I don't know what to do."
"Perce, it'll be fine." She paused. "Hey! You can just room with me. I have another bedroom where I'm at."

"Piper I can't just do that to you. I haven't seen you in like 2 months and I just spring this up on you."
"No Percy. It's absolutely fine. I'm sure my other roommate won't mind you living with us. She's really nice."
"No buts. You're staying with me. Do you really wanna spend another night in your car?" She raised an eyebrow at me.
I groaned. "I guess not. Thank you."
"Of course Percy. It's what friends are for."


Since she had walked here she had me drive my car to her apartment with her giving directions in the seat next to me. Once we got there I pulled out a few boxes I would need for the night and hauled them up to her floor.
She opened the front door that lead out to a short hallway. She turned the corner and walked towards a few doors that were in close quarters. She opened the door to one of them and set a few of my boxes down. The room itself had a large window looking out to the Los Angeles city view. The bed had grey covers and pillows. To the sides were dark grey nightstands with lamps on each side.

I set the last boxes on the ground near the bed and sat down.
I glanced at Piper and she had a wide smile that probably mirrored mine.
"Hey Perce come see my roommate." She walked out of the room and I followed her to the kitchen. It had a modern looking design along with a bunch of house plants arranging themselves just about everywhere.

I looked at the couch and saw a girl sitting there. She had blonde curls and startling grey eyes. She glared at me the second she looked at me.
Why was she so familiar?

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