Chapter 14

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Enemies of the heir beware

(Name) and Harry sat with Lockheart, bleary-eyed the two children address envelopes, while a cheery Lockhart puts his signature to the stack of glossy photos bearing his image "Harry, (name).. Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fan mail?" Lockheart smiled dreamily at himself, Harry forced a smile and (Name) looked at him "Yes I can, Very many other things are worth my time" she hissed glaring at the self-absorbed teacher "This is your detention Miss Windsor remember that" he scowled at the girl and she rolled her eyes quickly tying her hair up with a muggle pencil found on the Professors desk. He turned to face Harry "Fame's a fickle friend, Harry. Celebrity is as a celebrity does. Remember that" Lockheart smiled at the boy and he nodded dreadfully staring at the stack of envelopes and then at (name) who was working on her stack he smiled at the girl, sometimes Harry wondered if he like-liked her. He looks down and began to write again until a chilly voice enters the room "Come... come to me..." The two looked up from the envelopes "what?" they said in unison "I was saying, six solid months atthe top of the bestseller list!Broke all records!" Lockheart boasted "no not you... that other voice" (Name) snapped "Voice?" Lockheart looked confused "What are you talking about?I think we're getting a bitdrowsy. Great Scott -- and no wonder -- look at the time! We've been here for nearly four hours!Dinner's nearly done! If youhurry you might make pudding.Spooky how the time flies whenone's having fun!! he looked at his watch dismissing the two. "Spooky" Harry muttered. They left the room and passes quickly through the hallways conversing quietly about the strange voice. "Blood... I smell blood..." They both stopped dead in their tracks looking around quickly only to see nothing. "Let me rip you... let me killyou.." They put their ears to the walls following the voice quickly rounding the corner they came face to face with Hermione and Ron. "Harry! (Name)!" Hemione exclaimed staring at the two "do you hear that?" (name) questioned "the voice" Harry finished and Hermione and Ron looked confused shaking their head's. Harry's eyes darted around, "we heard it in Lockheart's office and again just--" Kill... Time to kill... The Raveonettes and the (h/c)ed girl stiffened Hermione and Ron studying them. "It's moving. I think it's goingto... kill." (Name) breathed out her eyes widening her and Harry made eye contact and started sprinting madly taking steps three at a time rushes through the archway and there was nothing. They look down and water was spilt on the floor their reflections appearing in the water their shoes going soggy, Ron and Hermione turn the corner behind them huffing and panting. "what are you guys doing?!" Ron points at the wall.                                                                                                                                                     'the chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir... beware"                            was written on the wall in blood "The chamber of secrets?" Hermione questioned "What's that? Hanging underneath?" Ron asked and we all looked and there hung mrs norris "Flitch's cat, Mrs Norris!" Harry said. Mrs. Norris. The cat hangs stiffly by her tail from a torch bracket, eyes open and blank. their eyes shift to the adjacent window: near the topmost pane, spiders scuttle up a silvery thread, fight to get through a crack in the glass. "Look at that. Have you ever seenspiders act like that? Ron...?" "I don't like spiders that much" he stuttered backing away. Suddenly, the stairwell is alive with voices and, seconds later, dozens of students stream forth, chattering... when they stop, seeing the wall and, standing before it, Harry, Ron and Hermione. A thudding silence falls. Then Draco pushes forward, eyes the wall, and grins nastily. "Enemies of the heir, beware!You'll be next, Mudbloods!" He spat glaring at Hermione just as Flitch appears in the corridor. He pushed forward "What's going on here? Go on now!Make way..." he pushed students and stopped dead in his tracks crying out "Mrs Norris! You! You've murdered my cat!I'll kill you! I'll --" Dumbedore appeared marching forward "Argus!" he called out his face darkening when he sees the wall. "Everyone will proceed to theirdormitories immediately!" He bellowed "except you four!" he looked at us As the corridor empties, Dumbledore steps to the wall and, with extreme gentleness, removes Mrs. Norris. "It was definitely a curse that killed her -- probably the Transmogrifian Torture.Encountered it myself once, inOuagadougou. The full story's inmy autobiography..." Lockheart spoke and the (h/c)ette glared at him "She's not dead, Argus. She's beenPetrified." Dumbledore spoke to the man, Lockheart piped up "Precisely! So unlucky I wasn'tthere. I know the verycountercurse that could havespared her..." "There is no counter curse to being petrified!" (Name) scowled and Snape looked down at her a small smile playing on his lips. "But how she's been Petrified... Icannot say." Dumbledore spoke again. "It was them two! You saw what they wrote on the wall!Besides, they know that I'm -- I'm a Squib." Flitch pointed a finger and (Name) and Harry. "It's not true, sir! I swear! we never touched Mrs. Norris -- And I don't even know what a Squib is." Harry defended "Rubbish! He saw my Kwikspellletter!" Flitch exclaimed Snape stepped in to save the day "If I might, Headmaster...Perhaps Potter and his friendswere simply in the wrong place at the wrong time..." Snape suggested before doing a full 360 and turning from defending them "However, the circumstances aresuspicious. I, for one, don'trecall seeing Potter or (Name) at dinner." he glanced at the duo and Lockheart jumped in "I'm afraid that's my doing,Severus. You see, Harry washelping me answer my fan mail...and (Name) was serving out her detention with me" and the duo sighed in relief. Hermione leaped into the conversation, "That's why Ron and I went looking for him, Professor. We'd justfound him....when they said" She stated. "what did they say Miss Granger" Snape swooped in. "When I said I wasn't hungry. Wewere heading back to our separate Common rooms when we found Mrs Norris!" (Name) spluttered out and Snape and Dumbldore studied her. "Innocent until proven guilty." Dumbledore spoke suddnley, "My cat has been Petrified! I wantto see some punishment!" Flitch shreiked, "We will be able to cure her,Argus. As I understand it, MadamSprout has a very healthy growthof Mandrakes. When they havematured, a potion will be madewhich will revive Mrs. Norris. Inthe meantime, I advise caution.To all." Dumbledore spoke camly yet sternly. The teachers walked off and as did the students. Splitting ways at the stair case. 

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