~ Chapter 4 ~

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Taichi was conversing with his father until something his father had said shocked him into silence. "I have to marry someone!" Taichi shrieked and his father had suddenly realized that he had spoken his thoughts out loud and he looked at his teenage son, trying to calm him down. Crap! I didn't mean to scare him. Taichi's dad thought as he hugged Taichi, trying to calm him down. 

"I'm sorry, Taichi. I didn't mean to scare you. It wasn't my intention to say my thoughts aloud." The man tells Taichi and when Taichi had calmed down, he then looked up at his father, his gaze showing how serious he was as he spoke his next words. 

"Do I have to marry a complete stranger?" He asked and his question made his father choke on air as Taichi hit his father on the back to help him out. The man was shocked by Taichi's question but he knew that the question was important to Taichi as he made his back straighter as he looked down at his only son. 

"No. I was going to have you marry Takenouchi Sora since you know her so well." The words that had left his father's mouth had made Taichi go quiet with shock as he gaped at his father's words. 

"I can't ruin her life. She probably wouldn't want to marry me." Taichi had begun to overthink it and while he was overthinking it, Sora had reappeared and she noticed the look that Taichi had on his face and she faltered. Maybe he doesn't want to marry me, after all? She had begin doubting taking the agreement. Taichi's father had approached her after he had seen the look in her face and he inwardly groaned. I should have known Taichi would have reacted like this. He doesn't like to ruin people's futures. He thought as he ran a hand through his hair.

"He was afraid to ruin your future, that's all. He does want to marry you but he thought that it wouldn't have been what you wanted." His words reassured Sora and she smiled at Taichi, who had just noticed Sora talking to his father. Taichi stared at Sora for a long while as he noticed that she was wearing a dress. Taichi blushed as he looked down at himself. I'm still in my middle school uniform and she's in a dress. A very pretty dress. Taichi's brain went blank as he noticed how beautiful Sora was. 

"I do want to marry him." She then turned to Taichi with a soft smile on her face. "Taichi, can I  do the pleasure of marrying you?" Sora asked Taichi and the big-haired young man blushed as he had finally found his words. 

"Will you marry me, Takenouchi Sora?" Taichi asked Sora and the orange-haired young woman hugged Taichi after she realized that Taichi had asked her himself because he didn't want to seem like a screw-up for not asking her. 

"Of course, Taichi." Came her answer and both teens blushed as they realized that Taichi's father had watched them kiss. The man didn't mind it at all as he knew that the two teens loved each other. These two kids are cute. He thought as he smiled at the two. 

"We're engaged now. Oh God, we're engaged now." The situation of what had just happened had finally hit Taichi and he fainted like the happy man he was. Sora caught him as she smiled down at the fainted teen. 

"You were always a soft guy, but you're my soft future husband, Taichi." Sora spoke as she hugged him. 

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