Chapter 8

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SF - You Are Having Magical Powers My Prince.

Sid [ Laughing ] - Dad Don't Joke With Me I Know I Don't have any Powers.

SF - No Prince You Have My Magical Powers and Your Mother's Power Too.

Sid - But Dad Everyone Said That I Don't Have Any Powers.

SF - Listen Prince I Know That You Are Confused So Let Me Complete and Then You Can Ask me Anything. So Sid The Power You have is The Power Of Whole Universe Means You Are The King Of The Whole Universe.

Sid [ Shocked ] - What! I Can't Believe This dad?

SF - This is The Truth Prince and No Power in This Universe Can harm You But if All the Elements Of The Particular Planet gets Attached Then It Can be a Tough Match For You.

Sid [ Happily Jumping ] - Dad What a Good News You Have Given me.

SF - Listen Sid You Can tell This To Your Friend's and Families.

Sid [ Smiling ] - Now The Real game begins Dad. I Won't let Them No.

SF - Which Game Are You Talking About?

Sid [ Laughing ] - Pranks and Masti.

SF - Listen Sid Don't Misuse This Power use Them For good Purpose.

Sid [ Smiling ] - Dad Trust Me I Won't Misuse it At All. I Will Only Use For Good Purpose and To help Others.

SF - I believe You Prince. But You Told About Prank and Masti?

Sid - Dad First I Used To Keep Distance From Them Because They Had Magical Powers But Today I Got To Know That I Have Powers and Their Powers Won't Work On Me.

SF - Oh Ok. Listen One Thing Today You Are Having Business Meeting at 5pm With Singhania's.

Sid - Ok Dad. But dad What Type Of Powers Do I Have?

SF - You Can Control Time, Control Weather, Can Heal Anyone and Make Them Totally Fine, No Power Will Work On You, Can Fly in Air, Can teleport Anywhere in The World and many More Prince.

Sid - That's Some Great Power's Dad.

SF [ Smiling ] - Listen prince There is One More Good News.

Sid [ Excitedly ] - Spit it On My Face?

While Sid Said This Faisu Appeared From Behind and Saw Him Talking To No One But Telling To Spit On His face. Faisu Spitted On Sid's face and Started laughing Loudly. While Siddharth Got Angry and Went To Wash Basin and Cleaned Himself.

Sid [ Angrily ] - WTH Was That Faisu?

Faisu [ Smiling ] - You Only Said To Spit it On Your face So I Spitted it.

Sid [ Thinking ] - You All Will Face Consequences From Today Of My Fun.

Faisu - Hey Bro What Are You Thinking and Smiling?

Sid - ......

Faisu - SIDDHARTH are You Present in This World [ Shouting ]

Sid - Stop Yelling Let's Go Down.

Saying This Siddharth Went Down with faisu and Found Reem Angrily Moving Here and There Seeing This Sid Thought Of Some Masti. Thinking This Sid Went To Reem and Asked in Very Innocent and Calmed  Tone.

Sid [ Innocently ] - Reem What happened You Are Looking Angry?

Reem [ Angrily ] - You Know Sid. My Boyfriend and Your So Called Friend ate My Favourite Chocolate and is Hiding Somewhere I Won't Leave Him Today.

Sid [ Showing Fake Anger ] - What? He Did Such a Big Mistake I Won't Leave Him Today. Hey What Was The Price Of chocolate By The Way?

Reem - It Was 10Rs Five Star Chocolate.

Sid [ Making a Shocking Face ] - Just Chill Reem Have a Glass Of Water [ Giving Her Water ].

Reem - Thank You Sid. That Jai Ate My Chocolate and Didn't Touched Avu's Because he Knows if he Will Touch Her favourite Chocolate She Will Kill Him With Her bare Hands.

Sid Thought To Do Masti With Avu So he Quietly Tip Toed To fridge and Found her Favourite Chocolate and Quietly Took it and Went To His Room and Hided Her Chocolate Inside a Drawer and Started Studying.

After Sometime Avu Came Out and Went To Fridge Happily dancing. She Opened The Fridge and Found That her Chocolate Was missing. She Went Angrily Towards Sid's Room Because Sid has Left a Note inside The Fridge Witten That " The Taste Of Chocolate Was Delicious ".

Avu Reached Sid's Room and Found Him Sleeping On The Study Table. She Was Very Angry and She Went Towards Him With Anger and Touched His hands. Suddenly She Saw a Blue Light Started Sprinkling From Both Of Their hands and Sid's Father Was Present in This Room and He Saw This and Got Very Happy Seeing This. Avu Thought That Why is This Light Coming Out From His, her Hands. Then She for The First Time Saw His Face and Started Thinking.

Avu [ Thinking ] - For The First Time I Saw Him Sleeping and Checked This bandar's Face. He Was Sleeping Very Quietly Like a Small baby. I am Myself Shocked That I Don't Know Why I am Not Angry On Him At Last He Ate My Favourite Chocolate Which I Got After So Many days But Now I am Feeling That Nothing is Important Than Sid. Even I Never felt Like This With Nikk But Today I Just Want To Touch His Cheeks and Caress Them. 

Then Avu Walked Towards Sid and Leaned Towards Him and Touched His Cheeks and a Shiver Ran Inside Her and Again The Blue Light Came Out. Then She Didn't Know What Came in Her Mind and She Leaned More and Kissed His Cheeks For The First Time and Blushed Thinking What She Did and She Saw Sid Smiling in Sleep. She Went Outside The Room Thinking About Sid and Went Directly Inside Her Room and Blushed a Little and Thought For taking Rest and Slept.




MAGICAL LOVE BETWEEN TWO SOULSWhere stories live. Discover now