Chapter 12

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Sid Came Down and Abhinavi [ Abhishek + Vaishnavi ] Smirked Seeing Him and He Settled With Everyone and After Sometime Avu Came Down and Sid Was Seeing HerWith His Corner Of His Eyes and Was Literally Again Started Drooling On her. He Calmed His Hormones Somehow and Avu Already Saw That Sid Was Seeing Her From Corner Of His Eyes and She Smirked internally and First Time She Decided To Tease Sid and Thought After Breakfast She Will Tease Him. She Sat Beside Sid and He Was Hell Shocked and Even Everyone. Sid Decided To Annoy Her Again.

Sid [ Suspiciously ] - Dada I Think Sun Rised From West.

Abhi [ Confused ] - What Rubbish Sid?

Sid - I Mean Avu Sat Beside Me That Also With Her Own Consent is Something Very Much Strange.

Avu [ Glaring Sid ] - Bandar Don't Make Me Angry Now Or Else I Will Kill You Now With This Fork.

Sid [ Laughing ] - I Know That You Won't So I am Chilled. 

Avu [ Thinking ] - Well This bandar Knows I Care about Him a Lot and Seeing Him in Pain Stabs My Heart and Even I Know That Seeing me in Pain Same Happens With Him To. Let's Make Fun of Him Little as I Had Already Finished My Breakfast.

Avu [ Smiling ] - Bandar You Know What I am Pittying On You?

Nikk [ Smiling ] - Baby You Are Pittying on Him? For What?

Avu - I am Just Thinking Darling About Everything I Will Make Sid Do Today After He Loses His Challenge and Gets failed.

Jannat - How Are You So Confident Avu?

Sid [ Smiling ] - Sorry Jannat But Correct Your Word its Not Called Confident it Is Called Over-Confident.

Everyone Started Laughing By looking At Avu and Nikk and Anger Filled Over Avneet and She Shouted On Sid?

Avu [ Shouting ] - You Will Fail Bandar. Mark My Words.

Sid [ Laughing ] - Sorry I ain't Interested in Marking Rubbish Words.

Avu [ Angrily ] - You Will Fail Definately Because That Paper Can't be Get Completed in That Particular Time.

Sm [ Someone From Behind ] - What if I Say That Your Words Are Wrong Avneet?

Everyone Turns Behind and Sees a man Standing Behind Them and Seeing Him Smile Comes On Everyone's face.

Nikk [ Excitedly ] - Finally Principle Sir You Came. I am Very Excited For Listening The Positive Result.

Everyone [ Except Sid, Abhi and Vaish ]  [ Shouting ] - We Too.

[ So Someone is Principal Of St Teresa College ]

Principal [ Suspiciously ] - Siddharth Aren't You Excited For your Results?

Sid [ Smiling ] - I Didn't Need To be Excited Sir Because I am Confident About My Results.

Avu [ Laughing ] - Bandar This is Called Over - Confidence and Leave Your attitude After Listening The Results You Will Hide Your Tears.

Sid [ Smiling ] - Thanks Avu For The Compliment I Liked it.

Everyone's Parents - Principal Sir Please Say The results.

Principal - See Everyone I Don't Have Any Time So I am Telling You All Straight Away. So Only6 Siddharth Got passed and Rest Everyone Failed.

Nikk [ Hell Shocked ] - This Can't Be Possible We Wrote Papers For Whole 3 hrs and Completed it We Should Be Getting Passed.

Avu [ Shocked, Angry ] - Yes Sir What Rubbish is This Stop Your Stupid Joke Nikk is Right He Completed The Paper in Half Of The Given Time.

Fainat - We Are With Nikk and Avu.

Jaireem - We Too.

Principal - Listen You Wrote Whole Paper For 3 Hrs and Wrote Everything Rubbish Stuft But Siddharth Wrote Every Answer Smartly and Wrote Everything Correct. I Really LovedYour Attitude You Had On Your Face Siddharth is a great Things and Siddharth's Mom I Would Like Too Really Appreciate That Your Small Son Was So Smart. So Might Go Now. 

Saying This Principal Was About To go But Everyone's parents [ Except Sid ] Stopped Him and gave Him 5 Lakh Rupees Cheque and He Took it and left. As He Went Nikk Quickly took His Luggage and Went Out Of The Mansion and Now Abhi, Vaish Were happy For Sid and Even Vibha [ Sid's Mother ] Was Proud On Sid and She hugged Sid. Sid Saw Their Friends Parents Giving His Friends a Death Glare So Before They Could Say Anything Sid Came and Stood in Front Of Everyone and His Friends Got Shocked Then Suddenly Sid Said.

Sid [ Smiling ] - Uncles and Aunties I Would Say Forgive Them Once For Me. They Tried Their Best But They Only Did Hardwork This Was The main Reason for Them To Get This Result?

Everyone [ Whole Family ] - What Do You Mean Sid/ Beta/ Bandar?

Sid - I Mean They Only Did Hardwork and Didn't Did Smartwork That is The reason They Got Failed?

Everyone [ Confused ] - Didn't Understood?

Sid - Ok. Who Will be More Richer a farmer Or a Businessman?

Everyone - Businessman.

Sid - But Why is farmer Not Rich He Does The Hardwork Whole Day. Then Also He isn't Rich.

Everyone - ........

Sid - Answer is Simple because He Just Does Hardwork But Businessman Does Both Hardwork and Smartwork So He is More Rich Then Them.

Everyone [ Smiling ] - Great Explanation. So Now Shopping Time.

SM [ Sid's Mother ] - Sid Which Vehicle You Want For The College a Bike Or a Car?

Sid Was Thinking a Little Bit and Then Said.

Sid [ Smiling ] - Mom I Want a Bicycle Not Any Bike Or Car.

SM [ Shocked ] - But Why Beta?

Sid [ Smiling ] - Mom College is Only 1km Far From Our House So Please I Want a Bicycle.

Avu - Listen bandar We Belong To Rich Family and We Also Have Some Position.

Jannat - Yes Sid She is Right.

Sid - Oh Really But I Don't Want To Show Anyone That How Rich I am. I Just Want To be a Normal Student.

Faisu - Sid Bro Why Are You So Different From Us?

Sid - I Don't Know it Bro. So Let's Go For Shopping.

They All Went For Shopping and Came Back Home and Also With Sid's New Bicycle Of 50,000. All Of Them Had Their Lunch and Went in Their Bedroom For Rest.

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