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I got out of the car ready to take Yun's hand but someone was faster than me...

Her dad...

I smiled as I see her extending her free hand to me. I take her hand in mine without thinking twice. I hear her mother snort as he notices how Yun's hands are not free.

Her mother whispers something in his ear. He turns to look at me with a death glare before he lets go of Yun's hand.

She slows down a bit to be by my side. She giggles as we both make eye contact.

We go inside the supermarket. Her mother takes a basket as we go inside. "Do they sell ceviche here?" Her mother asks more to herself.

Her father shrugs. "There is only one way to know..."

We all walk to the meat and fish section. Her parents look around while Yun and I walk slowly behind them holding hands.

I have noticed that Yun doesn't take the gloves I gave her off... I wonder if it's helping her eczema.

"Ah! They have ceviche!" Her mother squeals as she walks to the section.

Her dad walks behind speed-walking towards the same place.

Yun wraps her arms around mine. I look down at her smiling like a fool. 

"Okay! We got three and a half pounds of ceviche! What else?" 


I chuckle as Yun and I follow her parents.


Yun's parents, her and I sit together on the sofas back at the hospital.

The rest of her relatives are eating fried chicken and stuff like that. We are the only ones eating healthy...

All of them have conversations about trivial things. I have been here enough time to learn so much beef that all of them have between them.

Sunmi's words sound in my head again... at least no one talks about what happened back then; it's kind of like a taboo topic... I prefer it that way, to be honest, I shouldn't know that information either.

There has been not much news about Yun's grandmother, she's still in surgery...

"Ah! Who's that cutie over there?" Yun says as she calls her baby cousin that comes walking towards her like a penguin.

She sits him on her lap while we continue to eat.

The door of the ICU opens, making all of us turn to see the nurse who is frozen on her spot perplexed by the number of people here.

"Hello... I guess all of you are Mary's relatives."

"Yes," basically everyone says at the same time.

"In a couple of minutes pairs will be able to go inside to visit her..." she says before she goes in again.

The tension is in the air again. Many nurses and doctors go in and out every minute.

A doctor stands in the middle of the room. All eyes are on him.

"Relatives older than fifteen, please come with me."

I let go of Yun's hands so she can go but she holds onto my hand making me go. No one complains about me though... many other people like girlfriends go as well.

Yun's Russian aunt stays here to look over the kids with a couple of more adults but overall the room looks empty.

We go inside a room where there's a semi-circle of chairs and one at the front where the doctor sits. 

"So... Mary's condition is very critical. She might not make it..."

"What does she have, doctor?" Someone asks.

"So. She has cancer that we assume started in her stomach or her digestive system but now it's all over the place. The pain she was feeling before she was brought to the hospital was caused by her intestines breaking apart... that caused an infection in her blood. The device we put in her heart is trying to fight the infection and help her heart. Her heart is our biggest concern nonetheless. With everything that is going on, her heart is very weak... it could stop beating any time.  

This next twenty-four to forty-eight hours are going to be key... either she will make it or not..."

I didn't dare to look anywhere but my legs as the doctor spoke.

After he was done explaining, no one talked. I'm sure most of us had enough already with all these.

After a couple of minutes, we all left the room to go back to the ICU waiting room...

I'm not sure if there were more people in the ICU... all I knew was that Yun's family were the only people.

All of us sat down on the same spot. Many were done eating so they were just there, sitting while they looked into space.

Yun's mother was playing with the little ones, trying to forget about the doctor's words. Her father had already fall slept on the sofa.

Yun rested her head on my shoulder and I rest my head over hers. I closed my eyes as we waited and waited for anything to happen. 


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