Episode 1, chapter 1

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Jake's POV UwU

'Thank you, everyone!' I yell. A roar goes through the crowd. 'Now, this next song is dedicated to someone very special to me.' I smile down at Daisy.

All of a sudden I hear the sound of an alarm. My eyes open, and I internally groan. It was just another dream.

Ughhhh, another school day.

I get up and get ready for school.

Arriving at school, I spot my friends standing outside the front of the building.

'Sup guys?'

'Jake, back me up here!' Henry exclaims. 'Tell Liam that Stacy is way hotter than her mum!'

I blink. 'Err... What?'

'You have to admit that Stacy's mum has got it going on.' Liam replies, his arms crossed.

'You're messed up, dude!'

Drew turns around to face me.

'Hey, Jake... Remember how I told you about asking my parents for the new Lunime box console for my birthday?'

'Oh yeah. Did they say yes?'

'Well, they bought it for me last night. Now I can play the new Gacha Warfare on my new ultra wide monitors.'

'Must be nice having rich parents...' I mutter.

'Hey, look who's about to walk past!'

I turn around to see Daisy. 'Good morning Jake!'

Her voice echoes in my mind. 'Uhh- morning! Daisy..' I splutter, my face flushing red. But by then Daisy had walked off.

Argh, that was smooth.

Liam laughs. 'Bro, you are so obvious. Just ask her out already! Before I get there first.'

'Heh, fat chance!' I reply. 'And I will, I'm just... waiting for the right moment.'

Drew rolls his eyes. 'You've been waiting for the right 'moment' for YEARS!'

'Just admit it. You're a chicken!' Henry teases, making chicken noises as the others laugh.

My face heats up again. 'Oh shut up!'

Zander and Hailey walk past us.

'Oh look, it's the music freak duo!' Drew says.

'What a bunch of nerds!' Henry grins and laughs.

Hailey tilts her head back and rolls her eyes. 'Oh look, it's the monkeys, who have nothing better to do than to look down on others because it's the only way they deal with their daddy issues.' (A/N: I have this line memorised-)

'Ooooh!' The others say. Drew chuckles.

'Someone's feisty this morning!' I say.

'Come on Hailey.' Zander says. ' We have more important things to do than engage with these imbeciles...'

Hailey looks at us again, crossing her arms. 'For the record, it was your buffoons that started on us first! Keep them under control.'

'I can't promise that, princess! Anyway, don't you have better things to do than engage with this imbecile? Or do you just like my company?' I smirk.

Hailey's face heats up with an angry blush. 'Get real! And we do have more important things to do than loiter around and pick on people.'

'And what's that? Write cute little love songs with your boyfriend?' I tease. 'Really, it's cute.'

Hailey glares as the others snigger. 'Why don't you just admit that deep down, you're just a very jealous little boy who wishes he had half our music talent. Have fun achieving nothing with your life.' she and Zander walk off.

'Whatever, music freak!' I call after her.

'No wonder she has barely any friends!' Drew says. 'What a cow!'

I smirk to myself. Little does she know that I probably have more singing ability than she does!

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