Episode 1, chapter 2

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Hailey's POV

Zander and I stand next to the announcement board in the hall.

'God, why can't those jerks just leave us alone?' I say irritatedly.

'It's as you said. They're a walking reflection of their insecurities that wish they had half the talent we have.' Zander replies. 'There's no point giving them the satisfaction of a reaction!'

'You're right...' I say.

'Well, we finished putting up the advertisements at least. Not that I think it was necessary in the first place...'

'Zander, we've talked about this. It'll be good for us to have more members in the music club! You don't know who might be a great asset to us in the competition!' I smile.

'We're fine, just the five of us!' Zander retorts. 'Looking for other members is only going to add more stress on top of all of our other priorities right now.'

The bell rings for class as I say, 'I'm the club president, and everyone else agreed that opening our club to more people is a good idea. And that's final, Zander!'

He sighs, and rolling his eyes says, 'whatever you say, club president.'

I smile. 'That's what I like to hear.' We walk off to class.


Jake's POV

Drew goes on about his new console during class, but I don't pay that much attention.

'Uh, everyone... Please settle down...' Ms Jones says timidly. She squeaks as a paper plane flies across the classroom.

'Stop throwing things around!' She shudders. 'Sadie, would you mind?' She smiles shyly.

Sadie's chair drags across the floor as she stands up from her desk. She's... the kind of person you'd want to avoid. She's kinda scary.

She stands up in front of the class. 'Everyone... Please be quiet.'

Everybody sits in silence, sweating nervously.

'Thank you Sadie...' Ms Jones smiles as Sadie goes to sit down.

'Okay, class! Before we begin our history lesson this morning, I have an announcement from the music club!' She says enthusiastically. I look up from my desk.

'Next month, they will be taking part in a school band competition, and are looking for new members to join them! They are looking for anyone; drummers, guitarists or singers.'

'This is almost as boring as watching paint dry,' Drew says from beside me, beginning to laugh along with Liam and Henry. I laugh awkwardly.

'Boys, stop now.' Ms Jones says crossly. 'Otherwise, I'll have to give you detention!' She says as if detention is a crime.

'Sorry Ms J, it just slipped out.' Drew says, leaning back in his chair. He then leans towards me and says, 'who the hell would want to embarrass themselves on stage with those music freaks?'

'Yeah, that would be embarrassing,' I add, looking down at my desk.

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