Episode 4, chapter 3

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Jake's POV

I stand at my desk during science class. We're working on an experiment and I'm partnered up with Drew. I look over at Luke who stands nearby. He sighs.

'What's Luke sighing about? Had a falling out with his freak friends?' Drew asks me with irritation.

'No, I think he's just having some issues in the love department.' I grin.

'Oof, that's tough.' Drew responds with no sympathy in his voice. 'Shame I can't relate.'

Henry sighs. He's at the desk next to ours, on Drew's right. 'I feel for him. Lia still hasn't texted me back since yesterday. I can't seem to catch a break!'

'I keep telling you, stop sending her My Hero Academia memes!' Liam exclaims from beside him.

I look over at Luke again. He hands a flask to Sadie, then looks back down at the floor clutching his arm.

This crush of his must really be getting him down... Hm... Maybe Hailey could clue me in.

'Psst, Hailey!' I hiss.

She looks over at me. 'Yes?'

'I can't help but notice that Luke is looking pretty upset today. He told me something about a crush. You don't happen to know who it is, do you?' I ask.

She smirks at me. 'Why, are you interested?' She jokes.

'Ugh, hahaha.' I pretend to laugh. 'Very funny. I just thought that, well, maybe I could help him out, give him some advice, y'know? I am a charmer with the ladies after all.' I say, grinning.

'Right...' Hailey says. 'But I'm afraid that's not gonna come in handy in Luke's case.'

'Oh. And why's that?' I reply.

'Because, it's Zander.' Hailey says simply, shrugging.


'Did you say Zander?!' I shout. The entire class falls quiet. Somebody coughs.

'Is there a problem at the back, Jake?' The teacher asks from the front of the classroom.

My face turns red. 'Uh, aha, uh, no, sorry Miss.' I laugh nervously.

'Do you have to make a spectacle everywhere you go?' Hailey says.

'I-I didn't mean to.' I say sheepishly. 'It's just- I had no idea.'

'I thought I might've been obvious by now.' Hailey grins. 'Then again, it is you we're talking about.' She rolls her eyes.

I cross my arms. 'Look, all I know is that they're close childhood friends. I wasn't told it was any more than that.' I defend myself.

Then again, he was pretty protective of Zander that one time...

I think back to the second day in the club, when Luke pulled me aside to talk to me. What did he say again? Oh right.

'I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But I'll warn you now. If you ever hurt Zander, then you'll be dealing with me after.'

Maybe I have been oblivious.

'Luke has been pining over Zander for nearly as long as I've known him for.' Hailey continues. 'I guess he just doesn't want to ruin their friendship in case Zander doesn't feel the same way...'

Drew stares at us with his arms crossed. 'Are you gonna continue talking to your music girlfriend or are you gonna actually help me out here?'

My face heats up.

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