Episode 1, chapter 4

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Third-person POV

Jake stands in the hallway with Drew, Henry, Liam, Zoey and Lia after school.

'You'll take me shopping on the weekend, right Drewybear?' Zoey asks, giving him puppy dog eyes.

'Whatever you want, sweetheart,' Drew smirks.

'Yay!' Zoey exclaims, giving him a peck on the cheek.

Lia says, 'if you two are going shopping, then maybe we could make it a double date. How about it, Jake?'

'Uhhhh, I'm... busy this weekend!' Jake smiles sheepishly.

'Ugh. You're always busy.' Lia grumbles.

'I'm not busy, Lia.' Henry smirks. 'I'm sure I could make this double date happen!' He wiggles his eyebrows.

'Ew, no way in hell, Henry! I've told you that I don't date dwarves!' Lia replies.

Henry falls to his knees as Lia turns away and sighs. 'Come on Zoey, let's go already.'

'Okay! Bye bye, sugar cube!' She blows a kiss in Drew's direction and waves.

Henry groans as Zoey and Lia pass him. 'My masculinity...'

Drew turns to Jake. 'You gonna come over and watch me play on my new console, Jake?'

'As fun as that sounds... I'm gonna skip today.' Jake answers. 'I uh- have to stay behind today. Ms Jones said she wanted to see me, so I'll see you guys tomorrow!' He waves and walks off.

The other three watch him in confusion. Liam thinks for a moment, then claps. 'I think I understand. He must have a thing for teachers.'

'Dude, seriously! What is wrong with you today?!' Henry exclaims.

'What? It's normal for a teenage boy!'


Jake walks through the hallway towards the music room and hears yelling.

Hailey's POV

'How is that fair?!' Milly shouts. 'Just because Sean and I don't like your boring classical music, Zander! GHH, you're a buzzkill!'

'I've already said we can have elements of both,' I sigh internally.

I hear someone behind me clear their voice and turn around to see... Jake?!

'Uh, is this the music club? It just seems I've stumbled across a debate club instead.' He smirks, standing by the door.

'What the heck do you want? Are you lost or something?' I ask.

'Actually, I came to audition!' He grins.

Sean says from behind me, 'oh, finally! We've been waiting for someone to audition-'

'Is that supposed to be a joke?!' I ask angrily, my temper rising. 'Are you and your friends just trying to waste our time because you have nothing better to do with your lives?'

'No, it isn't a joke!' Jake argues. 'I'm uh... here to sing. Alone.'

Zander and I stare in disbelief. 'Sing?...'

'Uhh, is this a classmate of yours or something?' Milly asks.

'Yeah, he's a classmate. And he's also a massive douchebag,' Zander growls, crossing his arms. 'Get. Out.'

'Look, I'm sorry for being a jerk. But won't you just hear me first? I swear I'm good.'

I think for a second before Zander speaks up, a smirk on his face. 'Well... If you think you have what it takes. Then step right up!'

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