Episode 4, chapter 4

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Third person POV

'Alright, today we should practice our performance skills.' Hailey says to the club. 'We don't want to just sound good on stage but also look good! ...Does anyone know where Luke and Jake are?'

'I'm here! Sorry I'm late, I needed to get something from my locker.' Luke says from the door. He looks around. 'Where's Jake?'

'He hasn't turned up yet.' Hailey replies. 'Typical.'

'Oh...' Luke says.

Milly walks behind him and bends down to see the paper in his hand. 'What's that you got there?'

'Oh, t-this is-' Luke begins, but before he can say anything more Milly reaches out and pulls the paper from his hand.

Luke laughs nervously as Milly looks at the paper. He says hastily, 'Jake proposed that I try writing my own song yesterday, so-'

Milly's eyes widen. 'You wrote a love song?!' She yells.

'Wait, what? Really Luke? That's so unlike you!' Hailey smiles.

'I didn't know you were interested in songwriting.' Zander says from beside Hailey.

'Uh, w-well, not really, but I wanted to try it out. Jake even said he'd sing it before we started rehearsals! But I guess we can't do that today...'

'I mean, it's not like Jake is the only one here who can sing, though.' Sean smiles, then looks over at Hailey. 'Why don't you give it a go, Hailey?'

'Sean! I can't believe what you're suggesting!' Hailey exclaims, heat rising into her face.

'Don't be silly. You know your voice is amazing!' Sean replies.

'Aw, please Hailey?!' Milly begs. 'We haven't heard you sing in ages!'

'Uh, but honestly guys I'm really out of practice, so maybe we should just wait for Jake to-'

'Oh please, stop with the modesty Hailey!' Zander says. 'You know you're good. Besides, we could be waiting all day for that oaf to turn up.'

'I don't want to force you or anything, Hailey, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd do this for me.' Luke smiles. 'We're your family, remember? You don't need to be anxious in front of us!'

'Alright, you win.' Hailey smiles, giving in.


Sean laughs. 'That's more like it.'

Luke laughs in delight. 'Oh thank you so much Hailey! Here!' He hands the paper to Hailey. 'I-I really hope you like the song. I'm not really a writer, so...'

'That's okay Luke, there's a first time for everything!' Hailey smiles.

'I actually wrote this with a track I found online. Maybe I could send it to your laptop, Sean?'

'That would be great!' Sean makes his way over to his table.

'I'm so excited!' Milly exclaims while the others prepare. 'It feels like forever since we heard Hailey sing!'

'Alright, calm down Milly. She won't do it if you make her nervous!' Zander grins.

Sean hears a ping coming from his laptop as it receives the audio file. 'Alright, I've got it! Are you ready to sing, Hailey?'

'Ready as I'll ever be!' Hailey smiles nervously.

'No pressure.' Sean smiles back.

'You got this girl!' Milly yells enthusiastically.

Sean hits the spacebar on his laptop.

Hailey looks down at the paper and begins to sing.

'I want you to show me

How to get to know

Someone like you

Someone like you

I want you to know me

Cause I know then you'll see

We can be true

We can be true

I want you to see what I see in us.'

The others watch her proudly and excitedly.

'Something so real, something so real

I want you to see that this is a love

That we both feel, that we both feel.'

Luke looks over at Zander, smiling and blushing. Zander catches Luke's gaze and looks back at him. Luke quickly looks away. Surprised, Zander crosses his arms.

'And how will we ever know

If the love will ever grow

Without trying, without trying

And how will we ever see

If we are meant to be

It's terrifying, it's terrifying.'

Hailey pauses as the music fills the room.

'That we're meant to be.

Yeah yeah!

We're meant to be, we're meant to be.'

Milly claps enthusiastically. 'You rock, Hailey!'

Luke smiles. 'That was amazing, Hailey! You sang it so beautifully!'

'See, you were great!' Sean says. 'You should have more confidence in yourself...!'

What the club didn't realise was that Jake was standing right outside, and he had been listening to the whole thing.

What? Hailey can sing?!

(A/N: Okay in the actual episode he sounds so shocked and for some reason I find it hilarious XDDD (Also yEs she can sing-)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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