Episode 1, chapter 3

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Jake's POV

I walk out onto the rooftop and stand by the fence.

I begin singing to myself;

'Day by day,

Desperate fight,

My fears are waiting for me at the outside

Overwhelmed, feeling low

I'm the star in this depressing one man show.'

I place a hand on the wire.

'Wish I would be able

To flee but I'm not stable

Wouldn't stand a chance it's just too much to handle.'

I turn around and begin walking.

'I need an inspiration

Another world I have to see

I travel with my portal station to a place of fantasy.'

The school rooftop fades out, and I stand on a hill overlooking mountains and valleys.

'Whatever I wanna be

Nothing blocks me, I'm free

Gonna beat my enemies

'As a king or as a knight

I will reign and I will fight

Until I shine in the light!'

I stand on a stage with a microphone in my hand.

'Why should I stay, please take me away

From the life, I don't belong

With might and with force

I'm winning the wars

No fears, here is where I am truly strong.'

Memories flood through my mind. Singing in front of my class then being teased by my classmates. Then my mind trails to the present. Hanging out with Drew, Henry and Liam. Teasing Hailey and Zander. And then feeling a wave of regret afterwards.

'Why should I stay?

Why should I stay?

Please take me away.'

The stage fades out, and I am back on the school roof.

I walk back towards the fence and stare out at the view before me.

'Why should I stay, please take me away.'

A moment later I hear clapping from behind, and I open my eyes. I turn around to see Daisy standing next to the door, clapping with enthusiasm.

'D-Daisy?!' I exclaim.

'Wow Jake, you're an amazing singer!' She says excitedly, walking towards me. 'Why did I not know that before?'

I laugh, sweating profusely. 'I don't really sing. I mean I can sing, but it's... not really a big deal.' I stutter.

'No big deal?' Daisy repeats. 'You sing like an angel!'

She thinks I'm an angel?!

'Hey! You should join the music club! They're looking for new talent right now! You'd be perfect!'

'Oh. I don't really know about that...' I say, sadly smiling a little.

'But Jake... It would be such a shame for your talent to go to waste. I would love to see you perform for the competition.' Daisy says, staring at me with her wide, innocent eyes.

'I-I'll join!' I say quickly.

Daisy gasps. 'That's great! They're practising after school today. Here, have a spare leaflet!' She walks over and hands me a flyer for the band.

'Thanks, Daisy.' I smile nervously. 'Uhh, are you thinking of joining too?'

Please say yes. PLEASE SAY YES!

'Oh... no.' She smiles with a hint of disappointment. 'I'm very busy with head girl duties. And I don't have any music abilities anyway.' She grins sheepishly. 'But I'll probably come and swing by every now and then!' She says brightly.

'Y-Yeah, I would love that!' My face turns red. 'I mean- that would be great.'

Daisy giggles. 'I look forward to hearing you sing some more! Well, I have to go! Head girl duties and all! I'll see you around, Jake!' She waves and walks off.

I wave back. 'See you around, Daisy!'

She's so cute... Wait- Did I just agree to join the music club?!! Aw, I can't do that! My friends would tease me relentlessly... Arghhh, what should I do?

Daisy and Hailey's voices ring in my mind.

'It would be such a shame for your talent to go to waste. I would love to see you perform for the competition.'

'Why don't you just admit that deep down, you're just a very jealous little boy who wishes he had half our music talent. Have fun achieving nothing with your life.'

I look at the leaflet Daisy gave me and make up my mind. Maybe... This competition could be my chance to get closer to Daisy and ask her out. I'll perform for Daisy. And to prove to Hailey that I have way more talent than her! Oho, I can't wait to see the look on her face...

A/N: I hope I didn't do too bad with writing the song part! It was actually pretty fun to write. Anyway, thank you for reading up to here!

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