Episode 2, chapter 2

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Third person POV

'You... You're not as clever as you think you are.

You try to run, but you won't get that far.'

Zander walks past Jake, then stops behind him.

'I'm right behind you, like we're racing, like a chasing.'

Zander fades away, and so does the music room. Jake stands in a dark purple abyss. He hears Zander's voice from above, and starts walking.

'Oh, all your endeavours and with no regret.

You play it cool while you try to forget.

But it's right behind you like it's racing, like a chasing.'

He stops when he sees Zander standing in front of him. He seems to have come out of nowhere. He walks towards and pushes Jake. He falls backwards and lands on a hard wooden floor.

'I'm, I'm moving quick and I don't make a sound.'

Jake stands up and senses a figure behind him. He turns around to see nothing. Spooked, he walks backwards and knocks over a flower pot on a table behind him.

'You're making noise and I watch you slow down.'

He looks forward, jumping when he sees Zander. He runs past him.

'I'm catching up just like we're racing, like a chasing.'

Jake hears footsteps from behind. Zander is chasing after him.

He reaches a room that's tinted blue and looks around. Zander's voice echoes in his mind, making his head ache.

'Now, I'm on your heels and I'm inside your head

I'm on the scene and I'm inside your bed.'


'I'm moving quick just like we're racing, like a chasing.'

Jake is back in the abyss again, and hearing Zander's voice he turns around. Zander walks past him and out of the classroom.

'Well, that was a spectacle. Heh, and he says I'm too emotional.' Milly smirks.

Jake sighs. 'Is he gonna be like this the whole time?'

'Can you blame him?' Hailey answers. 'You and your friends have given us both a difficult time, of course he doesn't trust you...'

'Well, what do you suggest I do to get his trust back? He's your boyfriend so you know him best!'

Silence fills the room.

Milly begins laughing. Sean giggles a little.

Jake watches them in confusion.

'Oh my god!' Milly wheezes. 'You thought-' She stifles another laugh. 'THAT ZANDER AND HAILEY?!' She breaks into roars of laughter again.

'You think I'm dating my stepbrother?' Hailey says.


'Wait, he's your stepbrother?!' Jake exclaims in disbelief.

'Come on dude, have you not been in the same class with them since freshman year?' Sean says, walking over.

'And even if we weren't siblings, I'm not exactly his type.' Hailey grins.

'Yeah, he's gay.' Milly laughs. 'You really don't know anything about your classmates.'

'I guess not...' Jake says. The school bell rings for the end of lunch.

'And I guess that means practice is over!' Sean smiles.

'Well this has certainly been productive.' Hailey says. 'I better go find my 'boyfriend' now.' She says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. 'See you guys.'

'Aw man!' Milly exclaims. 'I wanted to show Jake my sick guitar skills today!'

'You'll have plenty of opportunities to do that in the future, Milly!' Sean says. They walk out of the classroom.

Luke approaches Jake. 'Hey Jake, can I talk to you for a sec?'

'Oh, sure.'

Luke is Zander's childhood friend if I remember right. He seems like a really nice guy, and I think he trusts me. I'm sure he has nothing bad to say to me. Jake thinks.

'I know that Zander is making it difficult for you in the club.' He starts. 'He just needs time to get used to you being around. But... you have to understand where he's coming from. And not just him, Hailey too. They're used to... no offence, people like you talking down on them.'

'I know... and I'll even admit, I've been a real jerk to them both.' Jake says. 'I won't act like that again.'

Luke's expression softens for a moment. 'I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But I'll warn you now. If you ever hurt Zander, then you'll be dealing with me after.'

'Uh... right.' Jake laughs nervously.

Luke smiles again. 'Great. I hope we can all get along.' He walks out of the room, leaving Jake.

Aw man. Did I really make the right choice joining the music club with these guys? Jake sighs.


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