Episode 2, chapter 4

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Third person POV

Zander and Hailey walk to the music room together.

'Hey! Good luck in the band competition guys!' Says a random girl.

Hailey's face turns a little pink. 'Oh, uh, thanks?' The girl walks off. 'Who was that?'

'A secret admirer, perhaps?' Zander smirks. Hailey smiles at him, and they continue down the hallway.

'Hey Zander! I can't wait to hear you play on the piano for the competition, you'll be so amazing!' Says another girl. (A/N: NoT ZoEy-)

'Er, thank you?' Zander says, clearly as confused as Hailey is, as they watch the girl skip down the hallway.

'Uh, Zander, what's going on? Why are people talking to us?' Hailey asks.

'I-I don't know, but I have a feeling Jake has something to do with this...' He says with a little irritation in his voice.

The two reach the club and go inside to find a bunch of students inside. Hailey's eyes widen.

'Guys! You won't believe it; the whole school is talking about the competition! We're practically celebrities!' Milly exclaims in excitement.

'Luke, could you explain what's going on?' Zander asks Luke.

He chuckles, and points to the centre of the room. 'I think you should ask Jake.'

We walk over to him. He is busy talking to a couple of other kids. 'Jake, can we talk? Outside?' Hailey asks.

'Oh sure.' He says.

He then turns to the other students. 'I'll be back in a minute, ladies!' He winks before walking off. The girl falls to the floor.

Zander and Hailey are waiting outside for Jake.

Why do I feel like I'm about to be told off by my parents? He thinks to himself uneasily before walking to the pair.

Hailey's POV

'Care to explain why the music room is full of people?' I ask.

'And why people are suddenly coming up to us about the competition?' Zander adds, annoyed.

'Well you don't seem too happy about it...'

We stare at him.

'Well the truth is... I wanted to try and make it up to you guys, for being such a douche before. I know a lot of people give you slack about your club so-'

'You mean you and your goons?' Zander interrupts.

'Uh... y-yeah.' Jake says. 'Well, I figured that I could try getting you guys more support! Our whole school wants to see us perform on stage!'

My face lights up. 'Really?'

'Well that really wasn't necessary.' Zander says. I frown. 'We don't need your charity.' He turns away. 'We are perfectly capable of winning the whole crowd over without your help.'

Jake looks down at the floor. Zander sighs. 'But... I suppose having the school's support at the competition will do us good.' I smile. I knew he would come around eventually.

'We could do with some encouragement on the day. I appreciate your effort. And... I'm sorry for the way I've been acting, it was very childish of me...' Zander continues, going back to his normal self. 'I'll give you a chance, but just one!'

'Hey, thanks Zander!' Jake smiles. All of a sudden we heard loud noises coming from the music room. Someone is playing on Zander's keyboard... And they aren't very good at it.

Zander storms over to the door. 'HEY! THE PIANO IS NOT A TOY! Get off of that right now!' He shouts, walking into the room.

Jake and I laugh. I look at him for a second, then say, 'thanks Jake. For y'know, helping out.'

'Oh yeah, no problem.' He smiles.

'It's nice to see so many people interested in our club for a change. Especially how many girls there are.'

'Yeah, I mean, can you blame them? You only have the most charming and attractive guy in the school as your lead singer.' He grins.

'Charming? You?' I reply, grinning back. 'I think you need a reality check.'

'Well, you didn't deny that I'm handsome!' Jake smirks.

I turn bright red. 'Ts- you're delusional! Come on, we have a competition to practice for!' I walk back inside.

Jake chuckles. 'Yes ma'am!'

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