Episode 4, chapter 1

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Third person POV

'I can only imagine

How it is to be with you.

From the first day I saw your face,

I knew this love was true.'

Jake sings as the others play their instruments. Daisy watches them perform, a smile spreading across her face.

'But you're already taken,

Nothing I can do.

So I can only imagine

How it is to be with you.

I can only imagine us both loving through the night,

I can only imagine us together side by side.

I can only imagine we're dancing in the moonlight,

I can only imagine,

I can only imagine...'

Jake opens his eyes and smiles slightly.

Daisy claps. 'Absolutely wonderful, Jake! Your voice is just as beautiful as I remember!' She says excitedly.

'Oh, uh, thanks Daisy!' Jake says. 'I'm glad that you're here- I mean- that you enjoyed!'

'You all must be so excited for the band competition! You're all so talented!'

'Awe, thanks Daisy!' Hailey smiles, blushing slightly.

'What can I say? It comes naturally to some of us.' Zander smirks.

'Woah!' Milly exclaims. 'I think I just saw your head grow even bigger now!' She grins.

Zander coughs. 'You're one to talk.'

Daisy giggles. 'Well, thank you for letting me listen! I won't interrupt you guys any longer; my parents are waiting to take me to dance rehearsals.'

'You dance?' Sean says, walking up and standing next to Jake. 'Wow, you've really got your plate full, huh?'

'Indeed...' Daisy smiles. 'Well, good luck guys! I'm sorry for interrupting your rehearsal time!'

'N-not at all! Come back anytime!' Jake stutters, grinning nervously.

Daisy walks out of the room.

'That girl really is the epitome of cute.' Hailey grins.

'Yeah...' Jake and Sean say in unison. The others, excluding Milly, look at them in confusion.

Milly laughs. 'I bet you're pleased, Jake. Singing a loooove~ song in front of the girl you're head over heels in love with!' She teases.

Jake turns red, running up and slapping a hand over Milly's mouth. 'You traitor! You promised you wouldn't say anything!' Jake mutters.

Zander chuckles. 'Ohoho, is someone in love?~' He smirks.


'YES!' Milly exclaims.

'You're... In love with Daisy?' Sean asks in surprise.

Jake laughs nervously. 'I-I wouldn't say in love, but I have liked her for a long time now...' He smiles at the floor, blushing.

'Awwww, you're blushing!' Milly grins.

'That's very cute.' Hailey says. 'Just don't get too distracted, Jake. I don't want a girl to be the reason you're not performing at your best on the day of the competition.'

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