Episode 2, chapter 3

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Jake's POV

The next day I stand by the lockers before school.

I need to think of a way I can get Zander's trust back. But what? I sigh.

'Having a bad day?' I hear from behind me.

I turn around and flush red. 'Ahh! D-Daisy!'

She giggles. 'Sorry, did I scare you?'

'N-No! Well, just a little bit...'

'How did your audition go yesterday? Did you get the part?'

'Y-Yeah, I did!'

'That's great Jake! Congratulations!' Daisy says, running towards me and wrapping her arms around me.

Woah, Daisy's hugging me! Calm down man, it's just a hug.

I hug her back before letting go.

'I can't wait to see you perform on stage!' She says excitedly. 'How has practice gone so far?'

'Oh, y'know! Not... well...' I say.

'What do you mean?' Daisy says, her happy tone faltering.

'Well, uh, let's just say I'm not exactly welcome by a few of the members...' I give a half smile, but Daisy looks at me sadly.

'Oh, that's a shame... Well, it might take them a while to warm up to you.' Daisy says, smiling a little. 'I'm sure they'll treat you like family soon!'

'I doubt it.' I roll my eyes. 'I just wish there was something I could do to show them I do care about this band competition.'

Daisy ponders the thought for a moment, before a lightbulb seems to go off in her head. 'Hey! I have an idea! How about you try to get them more support!' She suggests.

'What do you mean?' I ask.

'I mean support from the students! Not many people know about the band competition and all, which I think is such a shame! If people were interested and were willing to watch you guys, I'm sure it'll make them happy. You're very likeable so you'll do a great job of convincing people!'

I start blushing again. 'You think I'm likeable?'

'Of course you are! I like you, Jake!'

Woah, she said she liked me! God, thank you for letting me live so I could meet this angel!

'Uh... Jake?' Daisy's voice makes me snap back into reality.

'Er, sorry! Lost my train of thought there,' I smile sheepishly. 'I think that's a great idea, Daisy.' She smiles. 'I'll make sure everyone knows about this band competition, just leave it to me!'

Daisy chuckles. 'We're all counting on you then! Oh, I'd better get to my student council meeting now. Good luck Jake!' She says hurriedly, walking off.

I smirk to myself. Not to toot my own horn, but if everyone finds out I'm the lead singer I'm sure more people will be more interested. But how do I go about telling them?

I think for a moment, then clap. I think I know just the girls for the job!


Third person POV

'And then, I told him that silver doesn't suit my skin tone, so he bought me the gold hoops as well.' Zoey says.

'Wow, that's clever.' Lia smirks. 'I'll have to use that on my dad next time.'

'It works every time.'

'Good morning, girls!' Jake calls walking over to them.

'Oh, good morning Jake!' Lia smiles.

'Uh- morning to you too... ' Zoey says suspiciously.

Lia stares at Jake for a moment as he blinks.

'Why are you looking at me like that?' He asks.

'Well, you don't usually come up to us so casually just to say good morning to us. You clearly want something.' Zoey smirks.

'I don't want anything!' Jake retorts. 'Well, maybe... I need everyone to know about this.' He pulls out the flyer for the band.

The girls take a look at it.

'The band competition?' Lia asks. 'But why?'

'Don't you know?' Jake grins with satisfaction. 'I'm the lead singer!'

'You're singing in a band?!' Zoey exclaims.

'You heard right!' Jake chuckles. 'And I'm pretty good if I do say so myself!'

'Wow, you can sing?' Lia smiles. 'That's hot. I'll come watch you perform, Jake.' She says, stepping closer.

'Uh, thanks Lia.'

'Isn't this the competition that those music nerds are doing?' Zoey asks.

'Well- yes, but honestly they're not half bad! And now that I'm in it, it has to be good.' Jake smirks.

'Yeah, I can't wait to watch you.' Lia smiles. 'You'll come and watch too, right Zoey?'

'I suppose... It sounds like fun.' Zoey smiles too.

'Does that mean you'll help me out and tell other people?' Jake asks brightly. 'I want all the support I can get.'

'Oh, you can leave that to me.' Lia says, pulling out her phone. She types something in and sends a text. All of a sudden the three hear peoples' phones going off all around the yard. Even Ms Jones' phone receives the text.

'Done! No need to thank me Jake, it's my pleasure.' Lia says.

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