Chapter 2

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One thing Santana remembers about Lima and knows won't ever change is how much of a small town it really is and she can't risk being spotted because honestly she can't deal with the possibility of Rachel Berry ambushing her at the grocery store and busting out in song. She doesn't even know if Rachel's still living in Lima but if there's one thing she's certain about it's that she still can't stand the diva so it's better to be safe than sorry.

So instead she spends the next day helping Maribel out around the house and staying inside as much as possible.

It's not until Quinn surprisingly sends her a text early Saturday afternoon asking if she knew what she was wearing to the funeral that she considers leaving the safety of the house. Santana ultimately decides maybe it's time to venture out; besides, she doesn't really have anything to wear anyway and she's kind of curious as to why Quinn's suddenly speaking to her again. Not that there was some angsty falling out between the two that kept them from talking over the years, they literally just grew apart as soon as Quinn left for Yale, but Santana's still curious.

She wonders if Quinn's also been in contact with the third member of their little trio, but she tries to not worry too much about that as she sets off to get ready.

Quinn offers to pick her up which Santana's grateful for because her little Honda isn't what it used to be and she really should've sold it off years ago because she doesn't need a car in New York but she can't bring herself to do it. Too much sentimental value she guesses.

When Quinn texts her that she's about five minutes away, Santana's suddenly anxious. Quinn hadn't said it would be just the two of them; What if she's there? What if Quinn invited her without letting Santana know and now she's about to have the most uncomfortable car ride of her life?

She pulls herself together just as she hears Quinn pull into the driveway. She checks herself in the mirror one last time, steadying her nerves, and heads out the door.

She's relieved to see the passenger side is empty and Quinn's giving her a little wave. A little part of her deep, deep down is disappointed that it's just Quinn but she would never admit it.

When she gets in the car, Quinn lets out an uncharacteristic squeal of excitement and leans over for a hug. Santana's surprised by all the physical contact, she can't remember a time she and Quinn ever hugged when they were teens, but she doesn't point that out. She isn't the only one who has changed over the years apparently.

It's a twenty minute ride to the mall and they spend the time chatting away about what they've been doing with their lives since they left. It's no surprise that Quinn also hasn't been back to Lima in quite some time, three years to be exact, and they bond over how oddly similar the surroundings are and how weird it is that nothing's changed. Santana finds Quinn is easy to talk to now, easier than she was in high school but she guesses that's because the weight of maintaining their popularity statues and juggling Glee Club and Cheerios has been lifted.

They spend the next couple of hours browsing in different shops before they each find dresses they're happy with and choose to celebrate with a stop at Starbucks. Once they've ordered, they find a small table in the back corner and set their bags at their feet. As their names get called when their orders are ready, Santana thinks how she can't believe she's managed to go a whole afternoon without Quinn touching on a topic Santana has been hoping to avoid.

But of course, she's jinxed herself and as she takes the first sip of her coffee, Quinn finally asks the inevitable.

"So how long has it been since you spoke to Brittany?" Quinn asks and Santana kind of hates how her palms instantly heat up and her chest tightens at the name.

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