Chapter 6

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Coaching a high school cheerleading team ends up being way harder than Santana thought. Most of the squad is pretty disciplined, as disciplined as a bunch of teenagers can be, but there is one that sticks out from the crowd. In fact, she kind of feels sorry for all the teachers and coaches that had to deal with a Santana's younger self but she would've been a walk in the park compared to Alexandra Carpenter.

At their first encounter on the day of the first practice of the season, Santana nearly put Alexandra, or Alex as she not-so-politely corrected her, in a head lock for trying to push Santana's buttons but Quinn and Brittany were too quick to hold her back. The attitude, the sass, the snark, all remind Santana of her younger, more rebellious self. What makes it even worse is that Alex is probably the most talented gymnast she's ever seen. Everything she does is effortless and executed with precision and Santana kind of hates her for it because Alex really does have the talent to back up that huge ego of hers.

In addition to dealing with Satan's spawn, there's also Brittany. She's struggling so hard to be normal around her but being civil is a hard concept for her to grasp when she finds Sam waiting around for Brittany after practices. Her thoughts go on a joyride and she can't fight the hurt that creeps back just knowing that she could be so easily replaced. She thinks about the money though and how she only has to get through the school year and that eases her mind just a little.

However, no matter how well she tries to keep her cool, Santana is only human and she has limits. So when Alex calls her a tired old hag on their fifth practice, which caused Snixx to make an appearance, Santana inevitably, lands herself in the Principal's office.

"I am very disappointed to have to call you into my office like this, Ms. Lopez." Principal Figgins says with his arms crossed over his chest as he frowns at Santana with Quinn and Brittany flanking her, "You cannot threaten a student, I shouldn't have to be having this conversation with you. Do you know how upset the Carpenters are?"

"Whatever, that little demon started it." Santana tries but Figgins shakes his head.

"I don't care! You are a coach, you're meant to uplift the children." Figgins argues, "Set the example! Be a role model. Not threaten them with-" He looks to his secretary, "What were the words?"

"Razorblades hidden in her hair." She answers with a scowl in Santana's direction and Figgins snaps his fingers and slams his hand on the desk.

"Yes, that! Do we need to call TSA in here to inspect?" He asks, waving his hand at Santana's pony tail.

"She's not boarding a plane." Quinn cuts in, "That's not necessary. There's nothing even in there."

Santana tries to maintain her composure even though she feels so small as they begin to argue around her. It weirdly takes her back to when her parents would fight when they thought she was asleep and it makes her chest ache. She tries to bite her tongue to prevent herself from digging a deeper hole, but it really isn't fair. The kid is the antichrist!

"A threat is a threat and it will be treated as such." Figgins replies and turns his glare back on Santana, "I take my students' wellbeing very seriously. You know the Carpenters are requesting that I suspend you?"

Santana finally regains her voice and she interrupts Quinn, "I'm sorry but that's a load of bull! If you cared so much about these kids, you wouldn't have been letting Alex breeze by undisciplined all this time just because she's kind of smart and can do some cartwheels."

"She is a national champion!" Figgins clarifies but Santana just rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, so am I but what does that matter?" Santana argues, "What do you think will happen when she gets out in the real world and finds out people don't turn a blind eye in real life? That will fall back on you and this place. You're meant to be preparing her for the real world and you're not."

Figgins sighs at a loss for words.

"I am not an educator, I'm just here because Sue is, was, apparently loaded and you didn't bother hiring anyone else and she must have some dirt on you because how is this even legal for us to be here? I don't have any experience in teaching and I don't know how to deal with these brats, so yes, I will slip up sometimes. I agree with you that I may have handled some things wrong, but cut me some damn slack. I'm trying my hardest here." Santana says and quickly stands, "If that's not good enough then I'm out."

She's just about to turn and leave when Brittany reaches out and grabs her wrist. Santana looks down at pale fingers wrapped around her, the touch burning her skin, and then looks at Brittany in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Santana questions but Brittany just gives her this pleading look before letting go of her wrist to face Figgins.

"She doesn't mean that." Brittany says and that surprises Santana because what does she know? Santana looks at her with furrowed brows but Brittany only stands as she continues, "The kids like her. She's good for them and Sue used to say way worse things than Santana and she had been teaching for like 100 years without any repercussions so it's a bit hypocritical for you to come down this hard on someone who has literally been winging it this whole time."

Santana's shocked but she can't understand why Brittany would stand up for her, she barely says a word to her unless it pertains to the squad but now all of a sudden she's willing to defend her?

"You don't need to do this." Santana says to Brittany but it goes unnoticed.

"Brittany's right." Quinn adds and stands as well, her hands moving to rest at her hips, "You need us and if one goes, we all do. Good luck finding a replacement at this time of year."

Figgins lets out a deep sign, "Fine, stay. But if I hear one more complaint, that's it! I don't care if Sue's spirit haunts me until the end of my days, the deal is off and your services won't be required any longer."

"This won't happen again," Quinn nods, "I assure you."

With that, the three leave the office. Santana's fuming still but Quinn and Brittany decide to let her cool off on her own and head back to the field to clean up.

Santana makes her way to her car for a little privacy and protection from all of Brittany's stares. She racks her brain for a reason why she'd stick up for her when they're not exactly friends. Things aren't how they used to be and she doesn't need her fighting her battles.

A little while later, Santana spots Quinn and Brittany coming off the field with their duffle bags. She feels a little bad that she didn't help clean up, but then she sees Sam exit his car and wave to Brittany and suddenly that bad feeling is replaced with a mix of anger and a little jealously at the very pit of her stomach. Santana watches as he jogs up to her and offers to take her bag and Santana feels the need to gag. She quickly looks away and goes to start her car, in hopes she can speed off and not have to suffer seeing anymore, but of course the engine doesn't turn over.

She slams her palms on the steering wheel and yells, "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Now she really feels like she's about to burst into tears at any minute and she squeezes her eyes shut tight thinking it'll make the feeling go away as she twists the keys again. The car refuses to start again.

"That is it! I'm done with you," Santana beats her fist against the wheel, "I'm gonna sell you so fast. You just wait!"

In a fury, she gets out of the car and slams the door behind her before lifting the hood. Again, she has no idea what she's doing and she thinks how she's reached a new low and her day couldn't get any worse. But again, she's spoke too soon as she hears footsteps near.

She peeks over the edge of the hood hoping it's Quinn or Figgins or even a random, just anyone else other than who she's pretty sure it is walking over.

Sadly, she's rightand as her eyes land on Brittany looking concerned as ever with Sam closelybehind she knows she's screwed.

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