Chapter 30

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It only takes them a day to decide whether or not to accept the job offer for another year. True to Santana's word, she and Brittany headed home that night and had a long talk about what they wanted for their futures and if those wants aligned.

It really was no surprise to anyone that they did.

"We can save up a bunch of money," Brittany said as she began to fill with excitement. They were sitting together on the couch when Brittany shuffled to sit on her knees, "We could use it to pay off our student loan debts which if my calculations are right – and they always are – we can do in no time at this rate! Combine that with the bonus checks if we win another National title –"

"When we win another National title," Santana corrected with a smirk.

Brittany matched it, "Exactly. We could go anywhere, babe! We could go back to New York if you wanted or we could go somewhere different? L.A. seemed cool but there are so many places out there, the possibilities are endless."

Santana felt herself slowly melting at the sight of Brittany so enthusiastic about their future. She didn't care where they ended up in the end, just as long as they were together.

So when they came to Quinn on Monday afternoon with their decision, they were united in saying that one more year in Lima coaching the Cheerios didn't sound so bad. Quinn looked at them like she was a little surprised but then she agreed that the money was just too good to pass up.

But word travels fast in Lima and rumors of the coaches' possible departure could be heard through the grapevine. With just one more performance left for the Cheerios – a last minute thing for the end of year rally – there was a little tension in the air between them and the squad. They could hear the girls talking, whispering about whether or not they would stick around, worrying that their replacement wouldn't be able to take them to Nationals again.

Santana loved it.

It was one of the few instances where the talks and the looks didn't bother her too much. They wanted her to stay, they wanted all of them to stay, and although they're just a bunch of bratty teenagers, they've kind of grown on Santana. They look up to them and Santana's never had that before. It makes her feel important, like what she's doing makes a difference.

Sue often talked about her legacy and it was always in relation to her winning Cheerios and how she was a trailblazer. Sure, Sue's methods were madness and Santana wanted to punch her a couple of times for what she put her through but she shaped her. Sue taught her determination and drive and resilience. Sue molded her into the person she is today, she gave her the skills to be able to coach a Nationally ranked squad.

It makes Santana wonder how she'll be remembered too.

What will her legacy be?

She's never really done the whole role model thing before this year, but she knows that her experiences can help people. Just look at Alex. She knows first hand how shitty the world can be, but if there's something that she can do to make it less shitty then she's down for that. She knows she has an impact on these kids already, she can see it in their faces when they're pushed harder at practice.

Maybe coaching can be apart of her legacy too? Who's to say she has to be just one thing? What if in a year or two she ends up being a chart-topping artist in the music industry?

What she has learned in the past year is that anything can happen and anything is possible.

So if for now, coaching is her calling then so be it. Cheerleading has led her to some pretty great things, the greatest being Brittany.

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