Chapter 23

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"You think the girls are okay?" Quinn asks a little while later as she looks down at her phone, "They haven't messaged us or anything."

"Geez. Cut the cord, mom." Santana quips mindlessly then realizes what she has said and looks to Quinn apologetically, "Shit, sorry."

Quinn only shrugs as she says, "It's fine."

Santana's not sure if she believes her or not, but she knows Quinn won't talk about anything further if she doesn't want. The topic of Beth hasn't resurfaced in awhile, maybe even ever since they all reconnected, but Santana doesn't pry. Maybe it's off the table for a reason?

Quinn's still busy scrolling but Santana finds the silence falling around them unsettling and looks to Brittany for help.

"Well, we haven't had a call from the manager so that means they haven't ripped up a bunch of pillows or had any noise complaints. That's a good sign, right?" Brittany says as she recounts the time they all went to New York for Nationals and had the most awesome pillow fight in the history of pillow fights. They had been in deep trouble but it was so worth it!

"That's true," Quinn nods then begins to chuckle, "We were such little shits with Mr. Schue, we would've never gotten away with that if Sue was around."

"You know what? I bet it was my speech that did it. I scared the crap out of them on the bus," Santana says with her chin up, "They don't dare defy me."

Quinn sputters out a laugh, "Right, that's exactly what it is. Well, I hope they're at least having fun. We use to love these trips."

"That's true," Santana nodded, "But I'm not sure how much more reality tv I can take tonight."

"Should we watch a movie?" Quinn asks.

Santana ponders, "Depends, what do they got?"


"I think we should go explore the city!" Brittany suggests and hops off the bed, "It's a Friday night after all. I'm sure Cincinnati has some kind of nightlife? At least, way better than Lima has to offer?"

Santana rolls the thought around then agrees, "I'm down for a drink. How about you, Q?"

"Yeah, I think we deserve some fun too!" Quinn grins and they all shuffle off to get ready.


They find a lively bar within walking distance of the hotel and are drawn in by the familiar music blaring from the outdoor speakers. It's a little crowded but Santana slips her hand into Brittany's almost on instinct to make sure they don't get separated as the three of them head towards the bar.

The feeling is electric and Santana can't help but look back at Brittany when she realizes what she's done. Brittany wears a coy smile as her eyes focus on their hands before slowing meeting Santana's. The coy smile evolves into a cheek bunching grin and Santana can't help but mirror it before turning back to Quinn leading the way.

Luckily, they're able to snag enough stools for each of them to sit as they order their first round.

While they wait, Santana takes in her surroundings and notices that it's a relatively nice place, completely unlike anything Lima has to offer. She missed places like this, they were a dime a dozen in New York but she really didn't know how good she had it until she left.

To think that their go-to hangout on a Friday night in Lima now is the same place she and her friends use to fight over coupons for in high school is kind of sad really. Don't get her wrong, she loves Breadstix with her whole heart. If she could, she'd totally be the spokesperson for it but it's not exactly the place she'd choose to for a wild night out.

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