Chapter 24

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It's that time of the school year now where the kids are pretty worn down and have mostly stopped paying attention to anything anyone of authority says, but Santana isn't complaining. With Sectionals over and Winter break around the corner, everyone – including the coaches – have started counting down the days. She's thankful for the moment she doesn't have to spend so much time on the Cheerios, even if it's just for a few weeks, because a freed up schedule means she can spend more time doing things she wants to do.

Today, that happens to be ice skating...apparently.

Santana didn't actually want to do it, but when practice finished and Quinn rushed off with plans of her own, Brittany had suggested they do something fun. Santana was thinking that something would involve a chill night indoors and out of the cold and far, far away from icy surfaces which she could bust her ass on but Brittany had something else in mind.

She reminded Santana of the rink set up near the Christmas tree farm and how awesome it is because they decorate it with fairy lights and there's Christmas music playing and everyone's always so nice. There's even a small kiosk where they sell hot chocolate and churros which was kind of an odd combination when Santana thought about it but Brittany loved everything about the place!

As she continued to pile on all the awesome things that can be found at the ice rink, Santana knew exactly where this was going and it was only a matter of time before she caved.

"But it's freezing out and I'm pretty sure it's meant to snow tonight too," Santana replied with a groan.

"Even better! It'll be real snow instead of the fake stuff they use that tastes like hand sanitizer," Brittany said, bouncing on her toes happily.

"I just don't really feeling like falling and bruising my ass tonight," Santana tried.

"Then I'll catch you," Brittany answered easily.

"That's what you always say," Santana chuckled, "And we still manage to fall."

"Well, I've gotten better over the years," Brittany said with her chest puffed out a little.

Santana quirked a brow, "Have you been practicing?"

"Nope," Brittany shrugged so casually that Santana couldn't help but laugh. Brittany then reached for both of Santana's hands, slowly dragging her out from her shell, then gave them a squeeze, "It's tradition, San, we always use to go when we were younger."

She bit down on her bottom lip; Brittany knew how much she loved a tradition.

Santana was doing her best to hold her ground, try to sway Brittany to do something else, but she was quickly losing her footing. Brittany was totally working her now, signature pout and all, but if Brittany was going for Santana's weaknesses then she could do the same.

"We have other traditions too," Santana husked and flashed a seductive grin, "Traditions that involve a lot less layers and a lot more-"

"Nope," Brittany swiftly cut her off though she seemed to stop and think about Santana's potential proposition for a moment before ultimately shaking her head, "No. I will not be swayed by your sweet, sweet lady kisses. I stand by my choice."

Brittany really could be stubborn when she wanted and Santana knew she was bound to agree because denying Brittany anything was apparently impossible for her to do. She blames it on the Christmas Spirit, but really she's a sucker for Brittany no matter the season.

Still, she wanted to see how far Brittany would go to convince her so she stayed silent, seemingly looking unmoved by Brittany's reasoning.

"I don't know, Britt.." Santana replied with a long sigh.

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