Chapter 29

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The last time Santana harbored a secret of this magnitude she's was hiding so deep in the closet that she was basically in Narnia. The difference this time though is that when she thinks of this particular secret, she can't help but feel giddy. Like a good giddy, a great giddy! This secret is going to change her life, it's going to change Brittany's life, and she really can't contain the joy that it brings when she thinks of it.

She's going to have to get it together though if she wants to pull this thing off, because although she has a bit of a track record when it comes to blurting things, she doesn't want that to happen with this. She already jumped the gun when it came to asking Britt to be her girlfriend and asking her out on a date, she doesn't want to do the same thing when it comes to proposing. It gets harder everyday though, because every little thing Brittany does has Santana itching to just drop down on one knee right then and there.

But she won't do it.

She has spent some time thinking about this, from the flashy grand gestures to intimate moments with just the two of them, she has thought of it all and she thinks she has finally devised the perfect plan. So she can't just blurt it out because Brittany decided to surprise her with breakfast in bed one Sunday morning or because Brittany said something really cute in her sleep or because Brittany coaxed her into an impromptu dance party when Santana was feeling grumpy about her favorite show being cancelled or because Brittany simply brought home flowers for her on the anniversary of her Abuelo's passing.

Santana has to find some type of self-control because what she has planned is going to be perfect and Brittany deserves that.


Santana is in the middle of getting dinner ready – which just means checking that the oven is still preheating– when her phone buzzes. It's Brittany telling her that she's on her way back to the apartment now and Santana smiles at the kiss emoji she ends the text with. She knows Brittany has been having a rough week with balancing dance classes and finalizing the Cheerios' Nationals routine, it's like the girl doesn't have an off switch because even when they don't have Cheerios' practice, she's putting work in at the dance studio.

Brittany's never been one to complain though, she just puts her head down and does what she has to do. Santana figured she'd do something nice and come over while Brittany's still in class and cook up all of her favorites to see if that might help cheer her up a little.

When Brittany breezes through the door 15 minutes later, Santana is still in the kitchen finishing off the salad she decided to make at the last minute. Brittany's strong arms wrap around her waist and then she settles her chin on Santana's shoulder. Santana grins at how Brittany instantly relaxes against her.

"Hi," Brittany greets then tilts her head just a little so that her lips brush against Santana's cheek for a lazy kiss.

"Hey B," Santana replies and twists around in Brittany's arms to face her. There's blonde hair falling from Brittany's loose bun and she smells like sweat and lavender laundry detergent. She looks so tired and Santana smooths out the little crinkle in her brow as she asks, "How was class?"

"Very, very intense," Brittany sighs and drops her forehead on Santana's shoulder. Santana takes the brunt of her weight and starts to rub up and down her back, "It was a good intense though, I think we might be able to incorporate some of what I've learned in the routine for Nationals."

"That's awesome," Santana grins while Brittany lifts her head again.

"Yeah, I'm thinking of maybe using Alex? She's the best tumbler and this stunt I'm thinking of needs someone with her skill level," Brittany explains and Santana can tell she's about to start thinking out loud, "I could put her in after the basket toss? No wait, I can put her in before and it can lead to the basket toss? But the transition... I could use Kelly? She's the next best tumbler? What do you think?"

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