Chapter 9

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Twenty-five minutes fly by and before Santana knows it, she's heading onto the field. Brittany and Quinn are already there talking while the squad warms up and Santana feels like she could actually pass out from all the anticipation. She genuinely has no idea how Brittany will react, but she knows she has to reconcile. At least, for the sake of the squad.

Brittany's back is to her when she walks up but Santana puts on her brave face and takes a deep breath, "Hey Q. Hey Brittany."

Quinn smiles in greeting as usual and says, "Hey Santana."

Brittany remains icy, her eyes focused ahead of her as she says, "I thought you'd be in New York by now."

Quinn's brow arches in question at Brittany's tone and she looks to Santana for an explanation, but Santana remains focused on Brittany.

"Can we talk after practice?" Santana asks, forgoing responding Brittany's snarky comment and dodging Quinn's inquisitive eye.

Brittany just crosses her arms and continues to give Santana the cold shoulder.

Both of Quinn's brows arch in question this time.

Santana does her best to ignore Quinn as she fights the urge to roll her eyes at Brittany; she forgot how stubborn and petty Brittany could be when she's angry but she knew getting Brittany to talk wasn't going to be easy.

"You can't ignore me forever.." Santana mutters.

This time Brittany turns to her and dark blue eyes narrow in her direction. Brittany's glare has Santana wanting to run for the hills, but the slight redness of Brittany's eyes stops her.

"Why not? Just so you can tell me about my life that you clearly know so much about?" Brittany asks, "I'll pass. I have nothing more to say to you."

Santana falters as her heart sinks, she deserved that, but she's determined to make things okay. She rather have the awkwardness of before than the anger and hurt it has been replaced with.

"You don't have to say anything," Santana replies but it sounds more like a plea, "You can just listen and if you don't like what I have to say, you can just leave."

Quinn eyes them both curiously but she notices that some of the girls on the squad have taken an interest as well.

"Looks like you need something to do," Quinn tells the squad and gives them a glare, "Wind sprints, go!" The girls quickly disperse, and Quinn turns back to Santana and Brittany, "I don't know what you two have going on but you can't bring it here. You can't let it affect how you coach. These are teenagers, they love drama, so if you want them in your business feel free to continue but we're adults and we can be professional. Ultimately, we have a job to do so sort your shit."

Santana looks to Brittany expectantly, "Please?"

Brittany frowns slightly but nods before looking to Santana a little less angrily, "I'll give you ten minutes after practice."

Santana smiles weakly, "Thank you."

"Whatever," Brittany shrugs then turns back to watch the squad.


Two hours have never gone by so slowly for Santana, but by the end of practice the tension is so high that even the squad tiptoes around them. When Quinn dismisses the girls for the day, they're all too eager to get the hell out of there. Even Quinn packs her things quickly and barely gives Santana and Brittany a second glance before she's saying a quick goodbye and heading to her car. It's eerily quiet as Santana and Brittany pack their duffle bags, their backs to each other's.

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