Chapter 19

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 "So they had to work yesterday," Alex begins recalling the night, "Like who even works on Thanksgiving? And like, apparently they couldn't get out of it either. Or whatever was going on at the office was more important than being with me. Typical. But Maddy came over later so I wouldn't be alone for dinner."

Santana glances at Brittany but she's already looking back at her knowingly.

"She had made me a plate and brought it to me from her house and we had our own Thanksgiving, just us." Alex begins to smile and Santana can't remember ever seeing her look that content, "It was really cool; I found some candles and I took some of my dad's good whiskey, which is really gross by the way. Then Maddy stayed the night and we-"

"You can spare us those details.." Brittany reminds her and it makes Santana chuckle.

"I was just gonna say we watched a movie." Alex huffed and Santana's glad that there's still some sass in her, but that quickly fades, "So anyway, my parents ended up coming home early and we hadn't heard them come in a-and...they kind of walked in on us." Alex adds and suddenly her voice cracks, "They were so pissed, I've never seen them that angry. Like I thought they were angry when I placed second one year in gymnastics, but that was nothing compared to this. They looked so disgusted. Like it wasn't just the fact that I got caught, it was who I got caught with." Santana frowns as Alex stares down at the table, her eyes squeezed shut, "They told Maddy to get out then they told me to get my things and get out too. They gave me fifteen minutes to grab whatever I could and that was it. They didn't care how late it was, they just wanted me out. They couldn't even look at me when they said it."

"Shit," Santana mutters beneath her breath then asks, "Where did you stay last night? With Maddy? Please don't tell me you were on the streets."

"She wanted to sneak me into her's but I couldn't," Alex shakes her head, "I-I couldn't have the same thing happen there, I couldn't risk that. I don't know how her parents would react, I didn't want to ruin her relationship with them too. I went to stay with my friend from gymnastics instead, but I don't think I can stay there again. Her parents and my parents are kind of close so it's only a matter of time before word spreads and they shut me out too."

"God, would they do that?" Santana questions in disbelief, "That seems so harsh."

Alex just shrugs, "I-I have no idea."

Santana looks at Alex with a heavy heart as the girl covers her face in her hands. She looks up at Brittany again who looks equally distraught. When Brittany said she was the one better suited for this, she had no idea how true that would be until now. Not that she's gone through anything like Alex, but she knows how it feels to have a loved one push you away without a second thought just because of who she is. She remembers exactly how it felt to see the change in her abuela the moment the words left her lips. One second Santana was her favorite granddaughter in the whole world and the next...she was nothing. It's something she wouldn't wish on anyone and it breaks Santana's heart to think that after all these years kids still have to deal with this crap.

"It's okay," Brittany coos, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder as she starts to whimper, "Everything's going to be okay."

"Get off me." Alex suddenly snaps and shrugs off Brittany's hand. Santana grits her teeth at the movement but Brittany just shakes her head almost like she's telling Santana don't worry about it. Santana begrudgingly nods okay and watches as Alex falls apart, "Everything's going to be okay? Bullshit. My parents just kicked me out and now I have nowhere to go. It's only a matter of time before the entire school finds out about me and Maddy and then what? How is any of that okay?" The switch in her demeanor happens quick and the next minute the tough girl façade is back. She rubs her nose on her sleeve and tries to fight back the tears, "I-I don't know why Coach Q called you, I-I can take care of myself. I don't need your help, I'll figure it out on my own. I'm fine!"

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