Chapter 20

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After a few more minutes sitting outside, Santana is able to coax Alex into returning to their table where Brittany awaits them. There's another change in Alex's attitude only this time she's a lot less snappy. There's still that touch of banter between her and Santana, but Alex is much more easier to handle when she's not being so argumentative.

The three of them end up splitting a basket of fries while they try to help Alex figure out her next move. They find out Alex has a cousin who could be open to helping, which Santana wonders why Alex didn't bring her up before.

Santana and Brittany listen quietly as Alex makes the call, ready to snatch the phone if there is so much as a frown on Alex's face.

But Alex's cousin agrees to take her in for the time being, despite Alex not telling her why she needs somewhere to stay in the first place. She's around their age and Santana hopes that means she's a progressive thinker unlike Alex's parents. Alex already looks relieved to hear she has a place to stay for the night and Santana and Brittany take that as a win. They spend the next hour making sure Alex is all sorted and that she makes sure she keeps them in the loop in case anything else happens.

"I mean it," Santana urges, "Remember what we talked about. We're here for you so don't be a punk about speaking up."

"Okay," Alex answers softly but that just makes Santana quirk her brow. Alex sighs and sits a little straighter as she adds, "I will. I promise."

"Good." Santana nods and just barely misses the proud grin Brittany wears from the corner of her eye.

Another few minutes later, Maddy arrives to pick Alex up and take her to her cousin's.

"Let us know if you need anything," Brittany says to Alex as she gets up to leave.

Alex nods, "I will. And thanks again...for everything."

Santana and Brittany just smile and say their goodbyes. They watch out the window as Alex disappears into Maddy's car and the two are off. Once the car is too far gone in the distance, Santana turns away and lets out a deep sigh.

"That was a lot." Santana exhales and now it's her turn to massage her temples, "Like a lot."

"Yeah. I'm sorry for dragging you all the way out here. It just made sense to come here." Brittany says and it makes Santana peek up at her. It's the first time since she's gotten to Frank's that she's able to really look at Brittany without her being so preoccupied with Alex. There are darkening circles around her tired eyes and they don't seem to shine as they did yesterday. She wonders how well she slept and if she's also nursing a hangover.

"Don't be sorry, it was for a good cause." Santana replies with a small smile instead then looks around the diner, "Plus, I've kind of missed this place.."

"Yeah, me too," Brittany nods, "But this isn't exactly how I imagined seeing you again after last night."

For some reason, Brittany's words make Santana blush. She doesn't say anything though and instead looks out the window again, hiding from Brittany's gaze.

"You did really well," Brittany compliments shortly after, "With Alex, I mean."

"So did you," Santana says but Brittany shakes her head.

"No way, not like you. I thought I would because of how you react to me and you guys are weirdly similar, so I thought I'd have the same effect but clearly I thought wrong."

Santana frowns at Brittany's words, "But at least you tried though and that has to count for something, right?"

"I guess."

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