Chapter 16

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"Alright girls, make way!" Maribel says as she comes into the dining room with the turkey. She sets it down in its place and asks, "Can you both help me bring in the other dishes while I try to carve this thing, please?"

"Sure," Brittany answers and gives Santana one last look before leading the way into the kitchen.

Santana stays rooted in her spot near the record player, stuck in her thoughts, until Maribel calls her name and tells her to help Brittany. She nods and drops the needle before she quickly follows after her. They don't say much as the pick up plates, not that it's a bad thing, it's a comfortable silence despite the fluttery feelings in Santana's stomach.

They carry out the last of the side dishes as Maribel sets into carving the turkey, the soulful tunes of The Supremes playing in the background. Santana lights the candles and Brittany brings out one of the bottles she brought from the fridge and begins pouring into fresh wine glasses. Once Maribel tires of carving, the girls sit and Maribel asks Brittany if it's okay that they pray first.

"Of course," Brittany smiles and takes Maribel's offered hand.

Santana reaches across the table, offering her hand as well, and it feels oddly familiar except there isn't any napkin they need to hide under. When Brittany's fingers slide over her own, there's a jolt of electricity that runs up her arm. The three bow their heads for Maribel's quick prayer before going to make their plates. There's a warmth in the room that Santana had missed and as they settle in their chairs, the glow of the candles and Brittany wiggling a little in her seat to the soft tunes, Santana feels overwhelmed with happiness.


Midway through dinner, Brittany gets a little more serious and asks, "Could I make a toast?"

"Of course, my dear," Maribel says happily.

Santana nods too, curious as to what Brittany will say.

Brittany clears her throat and holds up her wine glass and it makes Santana smile because she's tipsy and Brittany's still cute when she's a little nervous, "Okay so, I don't really know how toasts work now that I think of it. I've never really given one before but this feels like a special occasion and I want to do something kind of special." Brittany says and Santana can definitely tell now that Brittany's tipsy just from all the rambling but she stays quiet as she begins to speak again, "I just want to say thank you to you both for having me. I didn't think I was up for celebrating this year, I was fine with being alone with like a whole box of pizza and all these bottles of wine and maybe some murder doc on Netflix but that sounds kind of sad now that I say it out loud. I don't know, I guess with my family in California and me being here still, I wasn't in the mood. But then, Maribel, you welcomed me into your family- again- and I couldn't really say no. It's nice being here even though it's different this time because of how things are-" Brittany pauses again as her eyes dart to Santana and she starts to look a little unsure of herself, "I think I'm getting off topic so I should probably sit down."

"No it's okay, Brittany, you're doing fine." Maribel chuckles but Santana just hangs on every word.

"Uhm, I guess all I'm trying to say is thanks for including me and being my stand-in family for the day. It has been really nice being around you guys again, it feels like old times even if I'm not allowed to do certain things I used to, but that's okay too. I'm just really thankful Maribel found me in the frozen food aisle and invited me over here. I've had such a great day surrounded by great people and I even get to eat great food, so thank you both."

"You're welcome," Maribel beams and places her hand over Brittany's, "You are always welcome in my house."

Santana is at a loss for words so she just smiles softly in return.

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