Chapter 7

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"Need some help?" Brittany asks, her tone even.

"I'm fine." Santana lies which makes Brittany roll her eyes tiredly.

She nods behind her and tries again, "Sam's been helping out at Burt's shop for a while now, maybe he can take a look?"

Who knew such a simple statement could pack such a punch? Not Santana but Brittany's words have her hurdling over the edge.

"Of fucking course." Santana grumbles and she can't stop the words from bubbling up as Brittany's reaction turns to confusion, "Of course he'd be here and of course he's suddenly a mechanic. Of fucking course!"

Sam frowns and looks between Santana and Brittany, "I was just trying to help?"

Santana lets out a sigh and laughs mockingly at the sky, "Of course you were!" She lets her arms drops to her sides and looks to Sam who has no idea what's going on, but Santana's too far gone to care. It's been a terrible day, a terrible month, a terrible five years, and it's all coming to head now. She winds up again, voice dripping in sarcasm, "Because you're Sam Evans, knight in shining armor swooping in to save the day! Well, guess what? I don't need you so you can fu-"

"Stop it." Brittany orders and at first she looks hurt but that quickly disappears as she turns to Sam and softens, "Sorry Sam. Can you give us a minute, please?"

"Yeah, sure," Sam nods and gives Santana one last look of uncertainty before turning away.

Santana rolls her eyes and crosses her arms protectively over her chest.

Brittany steps closer and Santana can tell she's angry just by how her eyes narrow and the tips of her ears turn a light shade of pink. She's seen this Brittany only once before, back when she had gifted Santana a shirt with the word Lebanese on it in bold print and Santana couldn't bring herself to wear it. Brittany was so fed up with her that day, but she could understand why. It must've been hard loving someone who didn't love themselves yet.

But now, what's Santana's excuse?

Brittany waits until Sam is out of earshot before she whirls on Santana with her hands on her hips, "What the hell is your problem, Santana?"

Santana isn't used to Brittany's tone, but she's too hurt and annoyed to cower from it. "Just leave me alone, Brittany," She says and tries to open her car door but Brittany pushes it closed in an instant.

She looks at the hand Brittany has pressed against the door frame then up at dark blue eyes.

Santana gulps.

"No. You don't get to snap at everyone then run away. That might've worked before and maybe it still works in New York but you don't scare me." Brittany replies angrily, "I want to know what your problem is because you've been acting weird for weeks now and I'm done with the whole Katy Perry act."

"What are you talking about? What Katy Perry act?" Santana huffs and crosses her arms again in defense.

"You know. You're hot and you're cold." Brittany explains, "Sometimes you look at me like you can't stand me and other times it's like you-" Brittany pauses and searches Santana's eyes for the missing words, "It doesn't matter. The point is, I've been nothing but friendly to you so I don't get why you've been acting mean."

"You know what my problem is, Brittany." Santana replies defensively, "Don't act like you're innocent in all this because you aren't. You're smarter than that."

Brittany's eyes widen a little at Santana's statement but then she just shakes her head, "Well, apparently I'm not because I have no clue what's going on. Why else would I be asking?"

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