Chapter 41

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These people reading chapter 3 that has a HUGE time skip all be like, "WhOa, WhY aRe We GoInG sO fAsT?" And I'm just here like, "👀 I--" (No hate tho, I actually found it funny😂)

Anyway, Enjoy reading and say Bye-bye to the tag before this (really, say bye so I can see if ya'll are ready for me to take it down)!🖤

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LUTHER AND DIEGO went up the stairs leading towards Elliott's abode. It'd been a long night. All they wanted to do was rest.

As they got in, Diego tossed the keys onto the counter and started taking off his orange shirt. Until his eyes spotted a speckle of blood on the floor.

Not taking his eyes off of it, he gave Luther, who was looking for something to eat, a nudge to get his attention as he put on his button down top back again. When he pointed out the dark red speckle, the both of them took a closer look at it.

Luther dipped his fingertips onto it to find out it was blood. "Shit." He muttered under his breath, showing it Diego. He had a theory. "Elliot?" He called out.

But nobody responded. Getting alarmed and suspicious, they started looking for him. Diego got his knife out, ready to take out whoever broke in. Luther soon saw someone slumped on the dentist chair. He slowly approached the body with curiosity.

Once he got closer, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, "Diego?" Luther called out, staring at the body.

When his brother heard him call out his name, he trudged towards him to see Elliott's limp body. He was missing a few teeth that his mouth bled with a couple dentist tools sticking out of his mouth and left eye. His blood made a trail downstairs.

Curious to where it led to, Diego followed the trail of blood and saw a message written on the ground floor with Elliott's blood. "Holy shit."



The door of a hotel room opened right after Five knocked, revealing the Handler with a grin on her face as if she really did expect him to come, "Ah! just in time for a nightcap." She babbled, leaving the door open for Five to enter.

Y/N quickly walked in with stealth before the boy closed the door quietly. The troubled look on Five's face bothered her, but she didn't want him to know she was going with him on his little field trip. So she remained invisible to a man's naked eye.

The Handler walked over to her little cocktail station and poured some of the beverage in each cup. One for her and one for Five. She lit up a cigarette between her lips before handing one cup to the boy. But he didn't take it.

He wanted to get things done. He let out a breath before speaking up, "To be clear, I take out the board... you get me, Y/N, and my family home." While he continued, the Handler walked up to her bedside table to pick up a piece of paper, "No more doomsday, no more apocalypse. Is that correct?"

Handler slid down to her bed on her side, "That's the deal." She confirmed.

"Then I'm in." The boy nodded. With that, the Handler held up a small piece of paper containing the name of the place and the timeline the board was in.

Y/N peered her head over to his shoulder, trying her best not to let her breath fan over his neck as he unfolded the paper to find out where they were.

The Lonely Lodge Inn
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1982

As soon as she read the timeline, she only had one comment in mind:

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