Chapter 49

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THEY ARRIVED AT Sissy's farm, meeting with the snow storm that only evolved around the barn. Small sizes of lightning came out of the roof, making the storm worse.

Y/N's hands went cold from the sudden cold weather, "Holy shit." She muttered under her breath, Y/N was in awe as she took a glimpse of the scene after they got out of the car. It worried her even more when she thought of Harlan's state at this moment. He must've been in pain and fright has taken him over. "You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Diego asked, closing the door behind him.

"Well, the correlation is high." Five answered whilst pacing over to the barn.

Though they stopped on their tracks when Harlan's mother ran out of a barn with a loaded rifle. The Umbrella Academy became cautious that they backed away. "Sissy! Sissy!" Vanya cautiously grabbed her attention to let her know they were there to help.

"Get back!" Sissy cocked her rifle and aimed with her finger already on top of the trigger.


She wasn't having any of it. "All of you, just get the hell back!" She pointed the gun at each of them, ready to pull the trigger without caring where it would land.

"Sissy!" Fortunately, Vanya was there to stop her before anyone got hurt. She held up her hand in front of Sissy, trying to calm her down. "Hey, hey! What's wrong?" Vanya asked in an urgent.

Sissy's glare never worn out and her weapon was still aimed at all of them. She was panting because of the nerve and adrenaline pumping through her veins. "Carl." She answered, holding tightly on the weapon.

Vanya instantly felt worried. Knowing Carl, he could snap at any second. "What did he do to you?" She questioned. Though the brunette stood uncorrected when Sissy shook her head in disapproval.

"He's... He's dead."

Vanya's worry suddenly turned into fear. She knew all too well who did it. "Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll," this time, she stood corrected after Sissy elaborated what happened, "the same way you sent those policemen flyin'."

Sissy sounded as if she blamed Vanya for what happened to her son. "What did you do to him?" She interrogated, referring to Harlan.


Sissy pressed on. "Vanya, what the hell did you do to my son?" She didn't know who to trust any longer. Her mind was being stretched by Carl's words as well as Vanya's, although she was starting to think Carl was right.

Diego, on the other hand, had grown impatient. "We don't have time for this, Vanya."

He was about to walk up to the barn when Sissy threateningly pointed her rifle. "Where do you think you're going?" She bellowed.

Diego held up his hand the way Vanya did, "To help your son."

Y/N didn't want to meddle, but she had enough of Sissy's attempt on threatening her family. If she kept interrupting Vanya with her excessive alertness, Sissy wouldn't get the answer she was looking for. So she took the rifle from Sissy's hands with her telekinesis.

Sissy let out a gasp as the gun was off her hands. In the process, Y/N uncocked the weapon's hammer that was now in her hands. "How dare yo--"

Y/N didn't let one more interference coming from her mouth. "With all due respect, Ma'am, would you quit it for a while? Please, just hear Vanya out." A short moment of silence was initiated when Sissy closed her mouth again after Y/N told her off. Whereas her eyes trailed on a single detail of Sissy's rifle suddenly caught her attention. "Heck, you didn't even turned the safety on." She muttered in annoyance, turning it on herself as she noticed the questioning stares they were giving her.

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