Chapter 45

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Sorry for making ya'll wait. If you haven't been surfing through the comments last chapter, I gave a reply to one of them that I had midterms.😅

Quick heads up: you might get a little confused on which Five would I be talking about. Believe me, I tried to think of other names for the old Five.😂 But just so you know which one's which, I'll call the old Five basically with anything that has the word 'old' as well as the synonyms for it😂 Okay? Okay.

And thank you so much idontgiveadarndang for sharing your work to me✨✨↑↑

Enjoy reading!🖤

< = • = >

AN IRISH JIG played vividly as soon as the three of them entered the pub. Indistinct chatters from different people overlapped with the music as they drank their alcoholic beverages.

Y/N waited for the two boys in front of her to enter the place. Both men looked cautious while she was nonchalant.

Five peaked from the bricked wall to see if he could spot his old self while Luther looked around for the older looking Five. "Well, there I am." The boy chimed after his eyes caught his old figure.

The three of them peered their heads out of the bricked wall find an old man, writing on a notebook beside his drink. The briefcase sat under the counter right in front of his feet. Out of context, Y/N took notice of one thing from old Five's physical appearance. "I actually expect you to be bald at that state already from all that stress you get yourself into." She hummed towards the current Five sarcastically.

Five didn't held back a playful glare, "Oh, ha ha very funny.." He shot back, making Y/N chuckle softly before they trailed their eyes back to the temporal assassin Five.

"Why don't we just grab the briefcase and run?" Luther asked. It's been happening a lot nowadays, again, Y/N agreed with Luther. "Yeah, I can use my telekinesis to snatch it." She said.

The boy begged to differ, "I would never let that happen. We're trained to guard these briefcases with our lives." He remarked.

"Right." Luther nodded in understanding.

Five turned to Y/N, "You should know that, Y/N."

The girl scoffed, "You should also know that the Commission's dipshit of a trainer is a maniac." Recalling her first day at the Commission made her shudder. "Besides, we should at least try. I mean, how hard can it be?"

With that, Y/N focused her mind on the briefcase and curled her index finger as if she was commanding it to come forth. It was working, yes, but the old Five rested his leg in front of the briefcase, getting in the way. So she lifted it off the ground and let it approach her. This time, he crossed his legs on the way.

She wasn't planning on thinking of a third move. It was obvious he'd shift on his seat again. "All right, point taken. Continue." She said as if she didn't do anything out of pride.

"I told you so. I wouldn't let that briefcase go anywhere without me." The boy implied, "Plus, it's the inherent paradox where this gets tricky. I'm endangering my existence just being in the room with myself."

Luther felt a sudden concern towards his brother. "Huh-- What do you mean?" He fretted.

"Luther, try to keep up." The boy urged, "If the old me doesn't travel back to 2019 like he's supposed to, the whole thing unravels itself." He explained with hand gestures. "I cease to exist. You got me?"

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