Chapter 47

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Thank you so much PinkySnow for sending your cool fan art to me↑↑✨

Enjoy reading🖤



THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY got to the courtyard with their umbrellas shielding them from the snow raining down the sky. They all surrounded the white coffin that had Ben's photograph on it along with their robot mother, Grace and their ape butler, Pogo.

All of them grieved over Ben's death. Vanya, who was the closest to him, broke into tears as she stood by it. Y/N wrapped her one of her arms around her shoulder, rubbing her upper arm for comfort.

It was silent the whole time until Pogo decided to speak up, "Your father is ready to give the eulogy, children."

Y/N prepared herself for his sharp, hurtful words. She stared on the particular golded tentacles moulded on top of Ben's coffin, trying to not pay attention to what the old man has to say. "The world is full of injustice." He began.

"Good people die along with the bad. The cosmic equation will never change unless evil itself is wiped from existence. Thankfully, there are powerful forces pushing back against the wicked and iniquitous, individuals who have the strength to pull together against insurmountable odds to face adversity with unblinking courage," he always started with something consoling, and Y/N appreciated that.

What she didn't appreciate, was how it only lasted in a short period of time, "and not to hesitate to sacrifice themselves for another. Unfortunately, none of you are such people."

There it was..

"Despite years of training and weeks of preparation, you allowed Number Six to die on this mission." The girl couldn't help but scrunch her face into a frown. She bit the inside of her cheek while she retracted her arm back to her side as she tapped the heel of her foot slowly, trying not to say her thoughts out loud. Then maybe you should've taught us how to sacrifice ourselves.

Allison was distraught to hear that they should be blamed for it. "It wasn't our fault." She wavered.

"Excuses?" Their said father scoffed, "I will not hear them." He unnoticeably received glares from every one of them, but he didn't have the audacity to care. "The Umbrella Academy has failed one of their own, the consequences of which are dire."

Y/N told herself she wouldn't let him get into her head. She tried her best to not let the words sink in, but it looked like her conscience failed to follow her command. She kept chanting herself, It wasn't our fault. It wasn't our fault.

Until it slowly rephrased by itself. It was my fault. It was my fault. She couldn't help but think she was the one to blame. Let it fester into your hearts..."Hold on to this feeling, children." Sir Reginald was only making it harder to ignore that thought, "... so there is never a next time." He finished his 'oh-so-caring' eulogy with an announcement, "Training will be cancelled today out of respect for your brother. We resume tomorrow at 6:00 a.m."

The rest of them couldn't help but let tears fall down until it stopped on their chins as Sir Reginald went back inside. Even Luther, who was trying to stay strong the whole time as well as taking the blame for his brother's death. Yes, guilt rushed through him like a tidal wave, but Y/N was even worse.

She blamed herself so much she couldn't even bare to cry in front of them. Outside, she looked like as if she didn't care or she never even grieved with them. Inside, her heart felt like a pair of dumbbells were placed on top of it. She had already lost Five. She had successfully gotten over it with so much reluctance. Now, she had to feel the feeling of loss again.

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