Ch1 - Hungry Little Leopard

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Rong Mingshi failed to track his prey for the 17th time. The little figure lying on the rock watched the rabbit leap into the grass and disappear. There was no food today. It was estimated that he would starve to death and become a weathered leopard on this stone...

Rebirth after death was naturally the most fortunate thing but if reborn in an animal, this luck would be reduced by half. If there was no mother beast taking care of the child, it would be reduced by more than half.

Rong Mingshi, the kitten-sized young snow leopard, lay on the rock and watched a bird flying in the sky. His claws held his head and his slightly protruded tongue licked his lips. Then a single paw covered his stomach. So hungry...

Unfortunately, a young leopard who couldn't walk stably would find it really hard to hunt for food. After his 17th attempt, Rong Mingshi planned to abandon this physically demanding hunting.

Rong Mingshi really had no strength left. He leaned against the rock and narrowed his eyes. During the process of restoring his energy, his confused thoughts headed to the simple traps he previously made as he hoped to gain some results.

Rong Mingshi used his soft claws to descend from the rock and slowly moved towards the stream. The clear water surface reflected Rong Mingshi's current form of a young white leopard. However, Rong Mingshi didn't have time to look at his present state. as an extremely rare species that should be protected, he could only fill his hollow stomach by drinking more water as a form of self-comfort.

After drinking the water, Rong Mingshi shook his thick paws and licked his wet face. Then he turned to check the traps he worked hard to make, looking forward to catching one or two prey. Suddenly, he was shocked by an explosion. Rong Mingshi eagerly plunged into the grass and after a while, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the explosion.

Not far from Rong Mingshi's location, something hit the top of the mountain. Flames appeared, smoke blew and explosions were heard from time to time. Was it a plane crash? Rong Mingshi was thinking this when a huge black beast suddenly sprang out from the smoke.


Rong Mingshi was stunned. He first checked his leopard paws and then touched his leopard eyes. He blinked and raised a paw to his head, wondering if he was dizzy from hunger. Otherwise, how could he see a black dragon flying in the sky?

The black dragon flapped its huge wings and plunged through the sky. Then it paused and its sharp claws starting tearing at the scales on its body. At the same time, there was a faint humming and low roaring sound as obsidian scales mixed with blood fell from the sky. The powerful tail swayed and created gusts of wind.

The black scales ripped off by  the dragon claws smashed into the ground. The unlucky little leopard couldn't react and his tail was hit by the dragon scale. The pain caused Rong Mingshi to suck in a breath and he hugged his tail, suspicious  water marks appearing in his eyes.

This made Rong Mingshi feel certain. He really was seeing a black dragon going crazy in the sky?

The masochistic black dragon tore at itself for a while before letting out an uncontrollable low roar. It turned its head in the direction of the mountain and sprayed out flames. The hot heat instantly turned the mountain plants into ashes and even the stones showed signs of melting. The fire started to spread quickly.

After releasing the flames, the black dragon paused for a moment before stretching out its claws to rip at its scales more harshly. This lasted until the dragon was exhausted. The dragon claws lowered and the black dragon flipped uncontrollably before it fell down from the sky.

The huge shape of the black dragon gradually approached the ground. Rong Mingshi, who was looking up and watching the black dragon go crazy (showing martial prowess), realized that this situation was a bit bad. The black dragon was falling in his direction and seemed to be coming towards his direction.

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