Ch52 - Visual Inspection Over a Thousand

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In his hurry to wash and eat, Rong Mingshi didn't notice when he went out with Aojia that he forget to set an auction number and auction time when opening the high-grade auction. As a result, an auction was successfully opened. According to the credit situation and feedback from the buyer, the auction ceiling was automatically upgraded and it wasn't one auction but 10!

These 10 high-grade auctions were set to the system's default period of one day. Thanks to these auctions, all the buyers squatting in this online store went crazy.

-The store owner is really powerful!

-Store owner, I really love you!

-The store owner stayed silent to amaze the world with a single feat!

Then the crazy buyers found that 10 orders weren't enough to grab one. The auction price soared and quickly overshadowed the closing price of the previous high-grade energy stone.

-Those of you at the top, I'm not lacking money! Do you dare to go to the top and seize it from me?

-Four million... I am whimpering!

-How I wish that the store owner had set a fixed bid amount. I am tired of the increase by 100,000.

-Did someone miss the point? The visual inspection is over a thousand!

-10 custom orders are over a thousand, it is at least 100 million...

-Excitedly calling the store owner! You see, if you are diligent then you can earn a lot of star coins. So don't be lazy! I look forward to the store owner becoming the richest man in the empire.

At this time, the three elites of the Information Department were also dumbfounded. They saw the price of the 10 custom auctions break through three million and climb all the way to five million.

"The military spending that the deputy commander authorized is limited..."

"I only just realized that the imperial beastmen aren't lacking in money."

"It is impossible for us to grab any of them."

Thus, the three dejected elites reported the situation to the deputy commander. The fox deputy commander also realized the problem. His peacock acted as the store's spokesman in thanks but this was lifting a stone to hit his on foot. However, an armed fighter plane was worth several million star coins...

Moreover, the soldiers didn't need high-grade energy stone carvings. Those with a high combat power and strength needed high-grade energy stones. On the other hand, the scouts most needed low-grade energy stones that could hide the energy spillover.

Therefore, the soaring high-grade auction prices caused another problem. What if the store owner felt that the high-grade energy stone carving was more profitable and gave up on selling the low-grade energy stones?

The deputy commander connected to his commanding officer's quantum computer and summed up the matter. He also made a proposal to contact the store owner and discuss a military order with the owner.

More than half of the empire's energy stone carvers were current in the hands of Duke Oran. The Oran Carving Business almost controlled the vast majority of the military's energy stone carvings, which was also a major threat to the military. Unfortunately, the deputy commander saw that the store owner was self-taught and was far from being able to compete with the Oran Carving Business.

At this time, Marshal Black Dragon was in front of a 5D game cabin, watching the little leopard floating in the air, waving his paws boldly and his thick tail shaking as he played the space simulation game. The leopard kept calling out Aoji excitedly while playing.

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