Ch49 - Tiger-Shaped Energy Stone

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The knife moved across the stone and continued to expand the lines while Rong Mingshi slowly sensed a very strong force filling the entire orange-yellow stone. This feeling was different from when he carved the fire fox energy stone. The fire stone was even condensed with a fiery power while this orange-yellow stone pulsated like the earth. Rong Mingshi had the vague feeling that he touched something, as if he could drive this power to the position he wanted it to converge.

The high-grade solid colour energy stone couldn't be displayed with colour so the little leopard focused on using lines and smooth curves.

This was a mountain tiger on a rock. The fierce mountain tiger's limbs were strong and powerful, the muscles smooth and health. The thick claws were strong and as they stepped on the rock, it was as if they could rip up the rock. The stout tiger's tail swayed from invisible wind and the tiny hairs swayed with it. The ferocious tiger's mouth opened, exposing sharp tiger's teeth. Meanwhile, the tiger's roar shook the forest.

Rong Mingshi's carving knife constantly refined these details while his perception entered the stone along his knife and the power of the earth rushed along with this knife. It seemed to become the bones and flesh of the mountain tiger carving, making the entire carving fuller and more powerful. In the end, the little leopard's knife slashed against the sturdy rock and he carved his signature in a corner.

Once he completed this mountain tiger, the little leopard took back his tools and slightly moved his tail. He felt that he vaguely touched on the role of perception in energy stone carving, although there was still some ambiguity.

The little leopard stared at the mountain tiger for a while, regained his spirit, stood up and shook his fur. Then he sat down and called the housekeeper to help him send this to the buyer. Housekeeper Baba soon appeared. He stood in front of the little leopard and helped pack the stone, while his voice quivered, "I will soon... good!"

The little leopard moved his ears and looked up doubtfully at the tall housekeeper. "What's wrong with you?"

Housekeeper Baba immediately shook his head. "Nothing, just testing... data!"

Then the housekeeper went out to the courier. Rong Mingshi didn't feel relieved. He jumped off the tail and followed. He crouched at the door and saw the housekeeper's simulation body in the corridor, shaking from time to time as he continued to move forward.


The little leopard considered if he should send a message to Aojia to have someone repair the housekeeper. He always felt that the housekeeper didn't seem comfortable. Rong Mingshi had just opened his quantum computer when another simulation body with the same appearance as the housekeeper appeared in the corridor. The limply hanging arm of the housekeeper was pulled and he picked up the housekeeper...

The little leopard gazed at this awkward situation.

...The housekeeper was helping himself? He had just thought this when the courier housekeeper elbowed the neck of the other simulation housekeeper. Then the first one fell down and raised his foot, kicking the second simulation body from the second floor to the first floor.

Meanwhile, Housekeeper Baba's data was giving a very stern warning.

-Do this again and I will remove all simulations!

Ruhr obediently lay downstairs while the unidentified information chain that went deep inside Housekeeper Baba's data was pulled out.


The little leopard saw this scene and his mouth dropped open. The courier housekeeper smiled at the little leopard and spoke in a voice that was no longer trembling, "It's fine. Just data testing!"

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