Ch9 - Little Leopard's Energy Stone

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The original stone field consisted of rough stone cut out from the vein by intelligent mining machines. There were energy stone screening machines and cutting machines in the open environment. There were energy stones of various shapes and sizes. Some were more than 10 metres while others were very small and only the size of a fist. They were scattered in a disorderly manner.

In general, energy stones were mostly cut to a size that could be carried around but some beastmen placed a taller energy stone statue in their home for more safety. The larger the energy stone, the more likely they were to be mixed with other materials. Thus, the high quality statues could only be made from middle to low-grade energy stones.

In addition, Aojia's resource group would also export some uncut stones to the gambling stone market. The current machinery and equipment could scan the existence of energy stones in the original stone but they couldn't accurately determine the grade of the energy stone inside.

There were no people at this rough field. Many of the processes here were directly handled by intelligent robots.

Abel stopped all the machines here and drove the suspension car as he led their commanding officer through the pile of stones. The doctor was the busiest as he scanned all the passing stones while Abel drove the suspension car. Thus, he was constantly staring at the miniature scanner.

Time passed and Aojia held the little leopard's thick paws. He pressed down and the barbs inside came out before they were recovered. The little leopard was happy with his energy stone and unexpectedly didn't feel it was wrong for this person to play with his paws.

The driving Abel's hands shook and he almost hit a huge stone next to the car. Fortunately, this suspension car had an intelligent correction system or he would look very ugly in front of the commanding officer.

...Their commanding officer was teasing (flirting) with the little leopard again!

At this time, the scanner had swept through countless rough stones and the doctor was almost doubting life when he suddenly screamed, "Abel, stop!"

Abel was stunned and slammed on the brakes. His reaction was too excited and the parking key of the suspension car directly smashed into a pit. Abel reached out, covered up his embarrassment and asked, "Did you find it?"

The doctor nodded and looked carefully for the stone that reacted on the scanner. He pointed, "That one."

The little leopard stood up on Aojia's arm and looked through the window.

Um... it was standard grey granite that was used to carve stone lions, the type of stone lions that were generally loved at the entrance of some hotel clubs. Yet this stone seemed weather-beaten and there were traces of erosion.

Abel's face was dark as he turned to the doctor. "Are you sure it is this piece? The stone might be in the most central mining area but after testing, there is no reaction. The inside either doesn't have an energy stone or the energy stone is fragmented to an almost invisible degree. That's why it has been thrown here for a long time."

Aojia stared down at the little leopard looking at the stone outside. The doctor coughed and felt a bit uncertain. He handed the miniature scanner to Aojia and said, "Sir, there is a small reaction in the stone."

The reaction was minimal and if he hadn't been staring at it all the time then he would've almost missed it. Aojia look at the scanner and saw the small value beating quietly, causing Aojia to unconsciously smile. As long as there was a reaction, it proved there was still an energy stone suitable for the little leopard. Even if the energy stone in his rock was very small, as long as there was a sample, it would be specifically noted for future mining of the vein.

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