Part 3 - The Room

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The blue-eyed boy continued looking at me but didn't say anything.

"Let the feast begin!" I could hear Dumbledore say, and all of a sudden all sorts of sound filled the Great Hall, as everyone started eating.

"Try the chicken, it's surprising how good it is," a girl next to me said, "I'm Maura by the way!"

"Nice to meet you Maura, I'm Kaiye," I said, shaking her hand.

I moved my hair out of the way and started putting some food on my plate. I managed to quickly look at the blue-eyed guy while I was doing so, but he wasn't looking back at me.

"Where are you from Kaiye?" Maura asked me.

She had a really nice voice and seemed far nicer than what I'd expect someone from Slytherin to be. But you could see that she took care of herself. She had the cleanest skin I've ever seen, everything on her was ironed to perfection, and her hair fell down her back in perfect curls.

"I'm from France," I told her.

"Wow! Your English is pretty good."

"I'm not French though," I explained, "My parents moved to France before they had me, but they are both English and have been teaching me both languages since I was born."

"That's great!"

She continued to tell me about some of the rules, about the classes, professors and everything else that came to mind. She mentioned that she didn't know where I would be sleeping as the rooms are full, except for the first-year rooms, but that I had nothing to worry about.

As she talked to me, I felt something touch my leg and I froze.

"Are you okay?" Maura asked me.

"Yeah, I think I just have something in my shoe," I mumbled and looked under the table.

There was a small piece of paper squashed into a ball hitting my leg over and over again. I reached over to grab it.

"Are you okay? " was written in tiny letters.

I turned around and saw Hermione, Ron and Harry looking at me from the Gryffindor table. They all looked a bit worried.

"I think so, I just don't know how this happened," I answered, using magic to write the answer and sent the paper back to them.

"What was that?" Maura asked me.

"Just a note from a girl that I met on the train."

"Is she from a different House?" Maura asked me concerned.


"Look Kaiye," she whispered, "I know that it's rather odd, especially for you because you're coming from another school that probably had a completely different system. But here in Hogwarts, Houses don't really mix. It's all very competitive, and Slytherin is the most cutthroat. You better stop talking to her before someone hears about that."

"But why?" I frowned.

"Just trust me."


Once we were finished with the dinner, the teachers told us to go into our rooms. I started following others from Slytherin, but as I waited for people to move out of the way in order to exit the Great Hall I felt a hand on my shoulder and I instantly turned around.

But instead of seeing Hermione or another friendly face, I saw professor Snape.

"Miss Adonis, is that right?" he said in a strange tone.

My Deepest Erised (Draco x Kaiye x Harry love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now