Part 9 - Wizard Beer Pong

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I followed Zabini and Malfoy to the other side of the room and found myself in front of a small group of half-dressed people, all with familiar faces I've seen around our dorms.

"So this is Crabbe, Goyle, Pike, and Nott," Zabini named the guys standing in front of me.

They barely noticed us walk up to them, as they were invested in Beer Pong. Only it wasn't with beer and they didn't use ping pong balls. The cups were filled with the different colored liquids I saw earlier, and they would throw what looked like only the outline of a ping pong ball out of their wands - once it hit the cup it made the liquid in it fizz, and then it disappeared. Kind of practical I guess, as you didn't have to collect all the balls later on.

Crabbe and Goyle were the two guys that stood together and talked about something, laughing every few seconds as they waited on Pike to take a shot.
Pike was a blond guy that looked more like he belonged in a US fraternity than Hogwarts, but he seemed pretty experienced in the game they were playing.
Nott was standing opposite of Pike, a black hood covering his hair, as he studied Pike's hand position and trying to estimate if Pike's magic ball would end up inside one of the cups or not.

"Guys!" he shouted over the music, making all of them look at him, "This is Kaiye."

"Hey Kaiye!" they shouted out of sync, all of them seemingly drunk.

"You're the girl that put Potter in his place," Crabbe, who was the closest to me said, "Never been more proud of a Slytherin girl."

"Yeah, thanks," I mumbled.

"Guys she's going to play with us!" Zabini yelled and they all cheered.

"Zabini, I don't think that's a good idea," I think I heard Malfoy say behind me, but I didn't turn around.

"It's a great idea Malfoy, what are you on about?" Zabini asked, then appeared on my side, "Okay Kaiye, listen - for every shot you miss a piece of your clothes comes off."

It took me a second to be sure I heard him right.
But then again, it all made sense - that's why the guys were half-dressed. None of them had any shoes on, Goyle was missing one of his socks, Crabbe both, yet Draco, Zabini and Nott were fully dressed.

"Sure Blaise, and if I miss three in a row I fuck every single one of you," I rolled my eyes and laughed, "No seriously, I'm not really in the mood for that."

"Well, lucky you - it's not the only option. You can either take off a piece of clothing if you miss, or take a shot of the drink the person before you had."

"Okay, sounds fair!" I agreed, approaching the table.

They told me that they would let Zabini show me how it's done.
He created the ball, put his wand at an angle, and then - with a small, concise flick of his wrist, he threw it and it landed into a mint green liquid.

"Too easy," Goyle commented, and the guys seemed to agree, but Zabini just proudly downed the cup.

"Your turn Kaiye," Zabini said after putting the cup back on the table. A new liquid started appearing inside of it, only this time it was yellow.
There was no way one didn't end up dead after this game.

As I walked to the table I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I took out my wand and tried to do the exact same thing Zabini did.
With one deep breath - I flicked my wrist.

Only I missed.

The ball flew across the table and landed behind the cups, then disappeared into thin air.
"Oooooh," the guys mocked me, every one of them except for Malfoy who just stared.

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