Part 14 - A Start of a New Week

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"Well, you look like you haven't slept all night," Zabini said after I walked into the common room on Monday. The guys were waiting for me so that we could all go to class together.
It wasn't far from the truth either way, as I spent the whole weekend locked away in my room, waiting for a letter from Charles that never came.

"Tell me about it," I yawned, thinking about what my mother would have said had she seen me walk outside of my room looking like that.

"Malfoy, don't you have some leftovers of those pills I gave you?" I heard Nott ask Malfoy in a low voice, but Malfoy just hit his arm and looked at him dead serious, as if he didn't want me to hear his question.

"No," he answered sharply.

Nott cleared his throat and lowered his gaze. I had no idea what they were talking about, but I didn't plan on taking anything that was Malfoy's either way. We walked down the hallways and made our way to the first class of the day.
As we entered the classroom I felt my heart rate rise.
I was scared, yet secretly excited to see Harry. Something deep inside my stomach jumped at the thought of talking to him again, even though my mind was set on not saying anything until he apologized for doing what he did.
It wasn't a mature way of handling things, and it wasn't very smart either, considering both of our situations.

He was already in the classroom when we entered it, his eyes already on me when I noticed him. I hoped we would get a chance to talk after the class was over, as there were many things left unsaid the night before.

I took my seat and spent the whole class thinking about what I wanted to talk to him about. Different scenarios filled my head, butterflies abusing my chest in every single on of them.

Finally, the hour was up. Once everyone got into the hallway I made my way towards Harry, Ron and Hermione. I greeted them cheerfully, seeing Harry blush lightly as I hugged him.

"I have no energy for flying today," Ron said, talking about the next class, "Maybe if I say my head hurts she'll let me go?"

"Ron, miss Hooch wouldn't let me miss a class even if I had blood coming out of my eyes. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't care about a small headache," Hermione told him.

"I think Hermione's right," Harry agreed.

He definitely didn't tell them.
They wouldn't be acting like everything was normal...

"Do you have a hair tie Kaiye?" Hermione asked me, "I forgot mine in my dorm..."

As I searched my pockets for another hair tie, I heard Ginny's voice. Once I gave Hermione the tie, I looked up and saw Ginny giving Harry a kiss before she continued greeting the rest of us.
My stomach dropped.

I looked at Harry, but he didn't look at me.

Of course he didn't.

What was I even expecting? A fantasy world in which he would immediately leave her in order to be with me?
How stupid was I?

"Hi Ginny," I faked a smile.

I couldn't even comprehend what I left Charles for. Essentially - it was nothing.

As much as I wanted to walk away from all of them, I didn't want to give Harry the satisfaction, so I continued walking with them. We had a break that was fifteen minutes long and we decided to hang out by the changing rooms.

"It's so cold outside, we just had flying as well," Ginny informed us, "I was freezing. I know Harry will be fine, but I really do recommend wearing jackets."

She smiled looking at him, and for some reason, I wanted to smack that smile right off her face.

"Maybe I should just put on your boyfriend's jacket," I thought to myself, trying really hard not to say that out loud.

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